Alpha Chi Omega



Alpha chapter was founded at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana on October 15, 1885.

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Letter from Founder Anna Allen Smith to National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College), 1919

At the 1919 National Convention, all living Founders received the Hera Head honor pin. Founder Anna Allen Smith wrote this letter of appreciation to National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College). 

Life Loyal, Fall 2015

This page lists Alpha Chis who have joined the Life Loyal program between April 1 and June 30, 2015.

Local Music Instructor Announces Publication of Two Compositions Newspaper Clipping, October 27, 1942

This article provides biographical information on Alpha Chi Omega Founder Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University) and includes a photograph.

Mary Janet Wilson Portrait Photograph

Mary Janet Wilson (Alpha, DePauw University) served as national president from 1896-98. She was the first alumna to serve as president of Alpha Chi Omega.

Mary Jones Tennant (Alpha, DePauw University) and Alpha sisters, photograph

Mary Jones Tennant (Alpha, DePauw University) is shown far left, with Alpha sisters

Mary Jones Tennant (Alpha, DePauw University), photograph

Maud Powell, renowned violinist and honorary member (Alpha, DePauw University), photograph

McLachlan, Leonard and Clark with Felt-ogram Scenes at Convention Photograph, 1951

Lois Henderson McLachlan (Beta Zeta, Whitman College, center) poses with founders Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University, left) and Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) in front of felt-ogram scenes of the founding that she made for the final banquet of the 1951 National Convention in Roanoke, Virginia.

Morrow, Boardman and Two Delta Theta Delta Alumnae Members Photograph