Explore the history of Alpha Chi Omega since its founding in 1885. View the entire timeline, or filter the timeline events to show just certain aspects of Alpha Chi history such as the history of altruistic efforts or leadership.
The design for a lyre badge is adopted soon after the founding in the fall of 1885, and Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University) purchases the first badge.
RELATED ITEMSThe members of the new women's fraternity, Alpha Chi Omega, announce their presence by parading across campus to attend chapel at Meharry Hall in East College.
Oct 24th, 1885
RELATED ITEMSThe second chapter, Beta, is established at Albion College in Michigan.
May 27th, 1887
RELATED ITEMSIn the early years, the Fraternity was governed by the Grand Chapter and general officers were elected from the chapters by rotation. Janette Allen Cushman, an undergraduate member of Beta (Albion College) chapter, serves as the second president (after Estelle Leonard) from 1891-93.
Alpha (DePauw University) chapter hosted the first ever convention. There were six attendees from Alpha, Beta (Albion College) and Gamma (Northwestern University) chapters. Major decisions included determining national offices, selecting officers, creating the pledging ceremony and planning for the Fraternity magazine.
Oct 1891
The First National Convention is held by Alpha (DePauw University) chapter in 1891 at the homes of Anna Allen Smith (Alpha, DePauw University) and Ethel Sutherlin (Alpha, DePauw University). Representatives from Alpha (DePauw University), Beta (Albion College) and Gamma (Northwestern University) chapters were present.
Oct 20th, 1891
Undergraduate Mary Elizabeth Stanford (Gamma, Northwestern University) serves as president of the Fraternity from 1893-94.
Hosted by Beta chapter, Albion College the second convention brought ten attendees. Significant votes made were; resignation and expulsion forms were ordered and fledge pin was selected. The fledge pin was the first new member pin and featured a small lyre stick with white enamel chapter head.
Feb 1893
RELATED ITEMSThe third convention occurred just one year after the second and was held at Northwestern University with 20 attendees. Beta (Albion College) chapter was made Grand Chapter; Alpha chapter had held this title since 1885. Membership card files were created to track and maintain membership information, and the cost of charters went up to $20 ($600 today).
Feb 1894
RELATED ITEMSBeta chapter becomes the first chapter to move from a dormitory hall to a fraternity lodge.
RELATED ITEMSMary Janet Wilson (Alpha, DePauw University) becomes the first alumna to be elected president of the Fraternity. She serves from 1896-98.
RELATED ITEMSRecords show this as the "6th" convention, even though it was only the fourth large gathering, with 24 attendees. Musical call was adopted, Alpha (DePauw University) chapter was made permanent Grand Chapter and the first request was made that convention items be submitted ahead of time and dispensed to delegates before coming to convention.
Apr 1896
RELATED ITEMSAlpha (DePauw University) chapter hosted 25 attendees for the second time. The request for a secret motto was given to Beta (Albion College) chapter, The Lyre was made a quarterly publication and the design of the final badge was requested.
Mar 1897
RELATED ITEMSThe Fraternity was first governed by Alpha (DePauw University) chapter (1885-91) and then by general officers elected from the chapters in rotation. At the 1898 National Convention, the present form of government, then called the Grand Council and now called the National Council, was established with officers elected at each biennial national convention.
RELATED ITEMSThe Spanish-American War begins as the U.S. intervenes on the side of Cuba in the Cuban War of Independence. When the war ends, the United States temporarily controls Cuba and owns Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippine islands. The Philippines will not gain independence until 1946. Puerto Rico and Guam remain U.S. possessions to this day.
Apr 21st, 1898
36 attendees came to Albion College to make decisions that have long withstood the test of time. Conventions would be held every two years, Grand Council would be the governing body of the Fraternity and the future of alumna membership would be prioritized.
Dec 1898
RELATED ITEMSIota chapter is established at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dec 8th, 1899
RELATED ITEMSThe diamond-shaped pledge pin is adopted at the 1900 National Convention. Previous to this, new members had simply worn scarlet and olive green ribbons.
RELATED ITEMSA woman's place was considered to be "in the home." One in four states denied a married woman the right to own property. One in three did not allow her to claim her own earnings, and 36 states (of 45) denied her an equal share in the guardianship of her own children.
Zeta (New England Conservatory) chapter brought 29 attendees to the East Coast by horse and carriage. Robes were added to the Ritual, The Heraeum was introduced and the pledge pin was adopted.
Dec 1900
RELATED ITEMSKate Calkins Lovejoy (Beta, Albion College) serves as Grand President from 1902-07.
Gamma (Northwestern University) chapter hosted 34 attendees, including the entire Grand Council. The closing night banquet saw an additional 41 members attend. At this convention, the office of historian was created, exam questions of pledges were adopted and active members were given an annual exam on the constitution and vital matters, with results posted in The Lyre.
Oct 1902
RELATED ITEMSDelta (Allegheny College) chapter hosted 22 attendees. They adopted a public constitution and a secret Ritual. The office of inspector was created to approve pin orders, visit each chapter once in a two-year period and act as the NPC delegate.
Nov 1904
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Alpha (Chicago, Illinois) and Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) become the first two chartered alumnae chapters.
RELATED ITEMSWith 42 attendees and 70 members at the final night banquet, this was the largest convention to that point. Voting saw expanded membership requirements to allow liberal arts degrees, a uniform die for the Lyre badge authorized and members encouraged to purchase their badge from only approved jewelers.
Nov 1906
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Chi Omega begins supporting the MacDowell Colony; this is the Fraternity's first altruistic project.
RELATED ITEMSAlta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) serves as Grand President from 1907-10 and as National President from 1912-19. She is the only Fraternity president to have served multiple non-consecutive terms.
RELATED ITEMSNu chapter is established at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Sep 6th, 1907
RELATED ITEMSThe coat of arms is adopted at the 1908 National Convention.
RELATED ITEMSOmicron chapter is established at Baker University.
Sep 17th, 1908
RELATED ITEMSIota (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) chapter hosted 97 attendees, who saw our first alumnae advisor position established, first edition of the history book assigned, Founders' Day established, the secret motto adopted and the holly tree chosen as the official Fraternity tree.
Nov 1908
RELATED ITEMSThe initiation ceremony used today, which has undergone only slight changes, was unanimously adopted at the 1910 National Convention.
RELATED ITEMSBy 1910, 10 of the 16 chapters lease a chapter house. But still, only Beta (Albion College) chapter owns its chapter lodge.
RELATED ITEMSThis was the first convention to be held in a hotel (Hotel Tuller) because the Delta chapter house was not open during the summer. 150 attendees made some very important decisions. A ritualistic service, official flag, Charters and membership certificates were approved. Motto was revised to the official "together let us seek the heights" and Hera was chosen as the patron goddess.
Aug 1910
RELATED ITEMSHera Day, focused on helpfulness to others, is established.
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Chi Omega builds Star Studio at the MacDowell Colony.
RELATED ITEMSAlta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) serves as National President from 1912-19. She had previously served as Grand President from 1907-10 and is the only president to have served multiple non-consecutive terms.
RELATED ITEMSKappa (University of Wisconsin) chapter hosted 118 attendees at Lathrop Hall. The convention introduced the first history book, established six provinces and started the Grand Council Trophy award. The decision was made to delay the 1914 convention until 1915 to allow for higher attendance and build the Reserve Fund.
Jun 1912
RELATED ITEMSNew members are required to meet a scholarship standard in order to be eligible for initiation.
RELATED ITEMSUpsilon chapter is established at Millikin University.
May 9th, 1913
RELATED ITEMSThe Fraternity officially adopts, "The Symphony," written by Celia McClure Pardee (Delta, Allegheny College).
RELATED ITEMSThe world launched into WW1, Alpha Chi Omega did their part to support the war efforts. The fraternity provided financial support for over 100 French children who were orphaned during the War.
Jul 28th, 1914
RELATED ITEMSPhi chapter is established at the University of Kansas.
Sep 15th, 1914
RELATED ITEMSA scholarship fund is established to enable undergraduates to finish their college courses and to make possible fraternity life for those who otherwise could not meet the extra expense.
RELATED ITEMSEpsilon (University of Southern California) chapter hosted the first West Coast convention and saw a groundbreaking 240 attendees. This was also the first appearance of The Special train, which took attendees from Chicago to Long Beach on their own private train. Votes saw the establishment of the National Scholarship Committee, the adoption of the Constitution and Code, and the creation of alumnae associations.
Jun 1915
RELATED ITEMSPsi chapter is established at The University of Oklahoma.
Jan 14th, 1916
RELATED ITEMSThe Grand Council decided to cancel the national convention in May 1917. The Railroad War Board frowned on using transportation energies for anything other than war efforts. All elected officers continued their service until the next election in 1919.
Jun 1917
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Gamma chapter is established at The University of New Mexico.
Jun 6th, 1918
RELATED ITEMSA desire is expressed at the 1919 National Convention to establish a permanent altruistic project. Over the next year, scholarships for children of war workers during WWI is chosen as the project and a fund for the project is started by voluntary alumnae contributions.
The 18th Amendment becomes law, making liquor, beer and wine illegal. Prohibition would continue until 1933.
Jan 16th, 1919
Alpha Delta chapter is established at the University of Cincinnati.
Apr 25th, 1919
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Epsilon chapter is established at the University of Pennsylvania.
May 9th, 1919
RELATED ITEMSThe first post-war convention started new traditions for our conventions and true Alpha Chi Omega loyalty. 438 attendees flooded Chicago, and chaperones were offered for the "younger girls" traveling to "calm the mothers." A secretary-editor position was created, combining the responsibilities of secretary, editor, business manager of The Lyre, "keeper of sullies" and administration. This helped allow the creation of a central office. Mary Emma Griffith (Lambda, Syracuse University) was chosen to fulfill this groundbreaking role.
Jul 1919
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Zeta chapter is established at Washington University in Saint Louis.
Jun 8th, 1920
Alpha Eta chapter is established at the University of Mount Union.
Jun 11th, 1920
RELATED ITEMSAfter decades of speeches, rallies, parades and women demanding the right to vote at the federal level, the U.S. Secretary of State certifies the ratification of the 19th Amendment, stating that no citizen could be denied the right to vote on the basis of sex. Twenty-six million women become voters.
Aug 26th, 1920
A chart published in The Lyre indicates that Alpha Chi Omega ranks third among women's fraternities in the percentage of chapters living in chapter houses.
Nov 1920
RELATED ITEMSThe 1921 National Convention was postponed in order to "allow the convention fund to catch up with the increased railroad rates." Suggestion was made to have province conventions that year instead, which five out of the six did.
Jan 1st, 1921
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Theta chapter is established at Drake University.
Jun 10th, 1921
RELATED ITEMSTwenty-nine members served their country overseas during the War and were presented the newly established Distinguished Service Medal. This plaque can be seen at headquarters.
RELATED ITEMSThe first permanent central office is established in Washington, D.C. with Mary Emma Griffith Marshall (Lambda, Syracuse University) serving as secretary-editor in charge of its administration.
RELATED ITEMSThe Antlers Hotel welcomed attendees as they stepped off The Special train. Convention also included a Baby Greeks nursery so attendees could bring the "kiddies." The national Ritualist position was appointed, an installation fee was initiated so new chapters could become "financially self-supporting," and we saw the first post-convention trip offered.
Jul 1922
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Nu chapter is established at the University of Missouri.
Aug 25th, 1922
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Omicron chapter is established at The Ohio State University.
Sep 14th, 1923
Alpha Pi chapter is established at the University of North Dakota.
Nov 10th, 1923
RELATED ITEMSNew Ocean House hotel saw 360 attendees arrive on The Special train, and registration was only $30 ($450 today). Alpha Chi "Frolic" (skits) were introduced, a pledge handbook was funded, three new alumnae ceremonies were adopted, and Alpha Tau (University of New Hampshire) chapter was installed at convention!
Jun 1924
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Upsilon chapter is established at The University of Alabama.
Sep 9th, 1924
Alpha Phi chapter is established at The University of Texas at Austin.
Sep 13th, 1924
RELATED ITEMSLoose-fitting dresses and bobbed hair are in style.
RELATED ITEMSHazel Eckhart (Theta, University of Michigan) is named secretary-editor and the central office moves to Lansing, Michigan, where she lived.
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Chi chapter is established at Butler University.
Feb 28th, 1925
RELATED ITEMSThe 1926 National Convention votes to establish a graduate fellowship dedicated to the memory of Mary Emma Griffith Marshall (Lambda, Syracuse University), who had long served the Fraternity as secretary-editor.
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Omega chapter is established at Birmingham-Southern College.
Apr 9th, 1926
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Chi Omega held three conventions in Canada, starting with this one at Chateau Lake Louise. 330+ attendees came by The Special train from Chicago to St. Paul. 26 members celebrated the first Olympian Luncheon (honoring them for attending four conventions or more). A Mother's Club Handbook was created, and attendees saw the inauguration of the new alumnae program. A 10-day post-convention trip offered a train ride from Vancouver to Seattle, where participants would board a sailboat to Alaska, all for $348 ($5,100 today).
Jun 1926
RELATED ITEMSBeta Gamma chapter is established at Louisiana State University.
Oct 29th, 1926
RELATED ITEMSBeta Delta chapter is established at the College of William & Mary.
Apr 8th, 1927
RELATED ITEMSEthel Mead Van Auken (Lambda, Syracuse University) serves as National President from 1928-35, leading the Fraternity through a period of national economic collapse.
RELATED ITEMSThis tiny island opened itself up to 389 attendees staying at the Grand Hotel for five days. A special boat, instead of train, sailed from Chicago to Mackinac for $30 per person. The five living Founders were in attendance and oversaw the eastablishment of the first paid field secretary role, held by Elizabeth Rhodes Dalgliesh (Alpha Epsilon, University of Pennsylvania). It was also announced by NPC that all Greek organizations would be smoking-free.
Jun 1928
RELATED ITEMSThe central office moves into a suite of offices in the Chamber of Commerce Building in Indianapolis.
RELATED ITEMSThe Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasts from 1929-39. As the Depression begins, 25% of the workforce is unemployed and hourly wages drop 60%. Nature adds to the country's woes with the Ohio River flood, the "Black Sunday" dust storm in Texas and drought covering the country.
The flapper fashion of the 1920s disappears in favor of a more sedate style. However, women wore short shorts - in public.
Beta Theta chapter is established at Lawrence University.
Feb 20th, 1930
RELATED ITEMSBeta Iota chapter is established at the University of Toronto. It is the first Canadian chapter.
Apr 23rd, 1930
RELATED ITEMSDubbed the "Singing Convention," the Hotel Del Monte welcomed 396 attendees, 189 arriving by The Special train. Votes allowed a $1/year salary for all bonded officers, and a committee was gathered to create a Founders' Memorial to be revealed at the 1935 convention. The first Hawaiian post-convention trip included a 17-day all-expenses-included steamship leaving San Francisco July 5 and returning July 22, costing $343.50; nine members participated.
Jun 1930
RELATED ITEMSBeta Kappa chapter is established at the University of Wyoming.
Oct 23rd, 1930
RELATED ITEMSBeta Lambda chapter is established at the University of Arizona.
Oct 29th, 1930
RELATED ITEMSForty-one of the fifty-seven chapters own their own chapter houses, with five others renting houses.
RELATED ITEMSThe "Capital Convention at the Capitol" had been mostly planned before National President Ethel Mean Van Auken (Lambda, Syracuse University) cited, "Great need for economy both to our national and chapter funds" in the April 1933 Lyre announcing the cancellation. Province conventions were held for those able to attend. All elected officers continued to serve until 1935.
Jun 1933
RELATED ITEMSBeta Nu chapter is established at the University of Utah.
Mar 23rd, 1934
RELATED ITEMSMinerva Osborn Donald (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) serves as National President from 1935-39.
Alpha Alpha (Chicago, Illinois) chapter hosted a Chicago Pre-Convention Day on June 25 before attendees boarded the "newly air-conditioned" Special train to Greencastle. This convention was also the first time traveling by airplane was mentioned, where bags had to be less than 17 lbs. A convention medallion was designed by Bernice Deetz (Upsilon, Millikin University) and given to every attendee. 417 attendees, 42 Olympians and 318 first-time attendees were featured in the first motion picture film to be taken at convention.
Jun 1935
RELATED ITEMSThe 50th Golden Jubilee Convention is celebrated first in Greencastle, Indiana, then by train to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia and finally to Washington, D.C. Four founders are in attendance.
Jun 1935
RELATED ITEMSHannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), the daughter of Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) is named director of the central office. She serves in this position from 1937-66.
RELATED ITEMSThe Many Glacier Hotel threw a "Houseparty" themed convention, welcoming 420 attendees. The convention transcript (established at the 1915 convention) was called "The Glacier Gossip." Favors were a wood-covered autograph book. Two Alpha Chi members were welcomed into the Blackfeet Native American tribe: Minerva Osborn Donald (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) became Princess Long-time Mountain Woman, and Beatrice Herron Brown (Alpha, DePauw University) became Princess Start Woman. The position of director was established for central office. Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauwn University), daughter of Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan, was hired in this position and served for 29 years.
Jun 1937
RELATED ITEMSRuth Miller Winsor (Phi, University of Kansas) serves as National President from 1939-43. In response to growing criticism about Greek organizations at the time, she said: "We've always been better than given credit for, and I would like to remind our critics that our proven specialty is the development of persons for the day in which they are living."
Themed "Wake Up and Live," this convention allowed for a more laid-back event. The Seigniory Club was in a very remote part of Canada and served as a place for relaxation and fun. The favor was an etching of a habitat scene made by Marjorie Garfield (Lambda, Syracuse University), who exhibited in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington. "Convention Crier" was the name of the daily transcript, which was delivered as a morning announcement instead of via a printed format. A full-length movie was created of convention and premiered in Hollywood in the editor's bedroom.
Jun 1939
RELATED ITEMSMore than 300,000 women serve in the military during the war as part of the WACs, WAVEs and SPARs - including many Alpha Chis. An overwhelming number of women go to work while the men go off to war, and "Rosie the Riveter" becomes their worldwide symbol. On the homefront, many families plant Victory Gardens, and every family is issued a War Ration Book.
Sep 1st, 1939
RELATED ITEMSThe 1941 National Convention votes to raise $2,000 to aid "bomb shocked children" in Great Britain.
The Huntington only charged $32.50 ($592 today) for each of the 867 attendees. Convention featured a birthday luncheon where you were seated by zodiac sign, Olympians wearing necklaces of carnations and the favor of a wooden address book. Delegates voted to give house mothers an annual contract.
Jul 1941
RELATED ITEMSThe Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and other U.S. possessions in the Pacific, prompting the United States to enter World War II.
Dec 7th, 1941
Beta Tau chapter is established at Miami University.
Dec 13th, 1941
RELATED ITEMSIn 1943, America was once again at war. The "Wartime Business Meeting and Training for Officers" event collected 276 officers, delegates and local alumnae. There was no convention transcript, no galas, only training and business. Votes consisted of updating the constitution to allow national officers to be voted on by mail instead of in person and to dispense of the province conventions in 1944. Provinces instead hosted workshops with officers.
Jul 1943
RELATED ITEMSThe 1945 National Convention is cancelled due to wartime conditions. National President Gladys Drach Power (Nu, University of Colorado Boulder) stated: "I assumed the Presidency in the middle of that devastating War during some of the most difficult years we had ever experienced. The shortage of many things we had always taken for granted had an extreme effect upon us. Food was rationed, gasoline was rationed, and all modes of travel were hampered. Train and airplane reservations were almost impossible to obtain since space was reserved for military personnel. Hotels were overcrowded. That year, our officers were elected by mail vote."
RELATED ITEMSThe National Society for Crippled Children (now Easterseals), Cerebral Palsy Division, is adopted as a national altruistic project.
RELATED ITEMSThe National Society for Crippled Children, Cerebral Palsy Division, was adopted as a national altruistic project.
Jan 1st, 1947
RELATED ITEMSGamma Zeta chapter is established at Kansas State University.
Mar 22nd, 1947
The return to convention after World War II was a grand event. The "Time and Progress" theme started off the first night, where attendees were seated by state. There were four formal dinners and three post-convention trips. This was also the first appearance of convention ribbons. National officers wore red ribbons, delegates green, red and green for members and white for nonmembers. Delegates voted to create a $5,000 scholarship for children with cerebral palsy. A $30,000 fund was designated for the Alpha Chi Omega Clubhouse, and a revision of the chapter officers manual was passed after disapproval of "discriminatory" chapter bylaws was expressed.
Jun 1947
RELATED ITEMSGamma Eta chapter is established at San Jose State University.
Mar 10th, 1948
Gamma Theta chapter is established at the University of Maryland.
Oct 30th, 1948
RELATED ITEMSMildred Estabrook Scott (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) serves as National President from 1949-53. When questioned about the relevance of fraternities in the post-war era, she stated: "Most colleges are too dependent on them for housing, group activities, campus leadership, cultural stimulation and scholastic achievement to do away with them."
RELATED ITEMSGamma Iota chapter is established at the University of Florida.
Apr 2nd, 1949
The Huntington Hotel once again hosted 987 attendees, who traveled on The Special train from Chicago to Sun Valley. Post-convention offered a tour of Yosemite or a sight-seeing trip around San Francisco for $50 ($542 today). This was the first convention to offer a part-time registration.
Jun 1949
RELATED ITEMSThe fraternity's focus on lodging for collegiate chapters in the early part of the 1950s results in 10 suites or lodges refurnished, 11 chapter houses remodeled or enlarged, four houses purchased or enlarged, and four new houses and two new lodges built.
RELATED ITEMSWhen questioned about the relevance of fraternities in a post-war era, National President Mildred Estabrook Scott stated: "Most colleges are too dependent on them for housing, group activities, campus leadership, cultural stimulation and scholastic achievement to do away with them."
Jan 1st, 1950
RELATED ITEMSGamma Kappa chapter is established at Idaho State University.
Feb 25th, 1950
Gamma Lambda chapter is established at Kent State University.
Apr 1st, 1950
RELATED ITEMSGamma Xi chapter is established at Western Michigan University.
Apr 21st, 1951
RELATED ITEMSCarry Me Back to Old Virginia was the theme at the Hotel Roanoke for convention attendees. Registration was $90 ($894 today) and included hotel fees. The post-convention tour of Williamsburg saw many participants!
Jun 1951
RELATED ITEMSRuth Tewinkel Suppes (Rho, University of Washington) serves as National President from 1953-57.
RELATED ITEMSThe National Altruistic Fund is created to further philanthropic efforts.
460 members attended the "Salute to Canada" convention, corresponding with the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Convention favors were English bone china with a picture of the queen in the bowl. The National Council appointed a vice president in charge of husbands, who arranged outings for the 40 husbands who attended.
Jun 1953
RELATED ITEMSGirls wear full skirts that require crinolines underneath, short shorts and pop beads. The boys wear pink!
RELATED ITEMSThe Award of Achievement is created to be presented to eminent Alpha Chis at each convention. The first recipients are: Helen Cheyney Bailey (Alpha Epsilon, University of Pennsylvania), Margaret Cousins (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin), Dorothy Thompson Kopf (Lambda, Syracuse University) and Lena Mulford Thompson (Alpha, DePauw University).
During the first four years of the decade, the Fraternity's focus on lodging for collegiate chapters resulted in 10 suites or lodges refurnished, 11 chapter houses remodeled or enlarged, four houses purchased and enlarged, and four new houses and two new lodges built.
Jan 1st, 1955
RELATED ITEMSThe Greenbrier Hotel welcomed 350 members to the "My Symphony" convention, featuring Symphony paperweights. Instead of The Special train, Alpha Chi Omega offered Special train cars on several trains, themed to Alpha Chi Omega. Interestingly, there were no preset menus; you could order what you wanted for each meal.
Jul 1955
RELATED ITEMSGamma Sigma chapter is established at the University of Rhode Island.
Nov 5th, 1955
RELATED ITEMSThe Special train returned to take 740 attendees to the "Fiesta del Pacifico" convention. All members received a cloisonne tray featuring the lyre bird, designed by Barbara Dodd (Gamma Theta, University of Maryland). On excursion day, attendees went to Disneyland, which had just opened two years before. The Memorial Bell Tower was approved at the cost of $36,000 ($336,381 today).
Jun 1957
RELATED ITEMSBy the late 1950s, there are 4,000 drive-in movie theaters across the United States.
Gamma Psi chapter is established at Wichita State University.
Feb 1st, 1958
RELATED ITEMSDelta Zeta chapter is established at Central Michigan University.
Nov 8th, 1958
RELATED ITEMSDelta Eta chapter is established at Queens College.
Mar 7th, 1959
RELATED ITEMSDelta Kappa chapter is established at Sam Houston State University.
Sep 6th, 1959
RELATED ITEMSDelta Lambda chapter is established at Ripon College.
Oct 31st, 1959
RELATED ITEMSThe Beatles, widely regarded as the most influential rock 'n' roll band, form in Liverpool.
Jessie Fanyo Payne (Upsilon, Millikin University) serves as National President from 1960-64. With unrest spreading across campuses and an anti-fraternity period underway, she described her years in office as "a time of change, of new values, of a new beat to the music; a time of concern for civil rights, the unpopular Vietnam War, the Peace Corps; a time both exciting and frightening."
U.S. involvement in Vietnam escalates beginning in 1960 with troop levels gradually surging from just under 1,000 in 1959 to more than 16,000 in 1963.
The 75th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary National Convention is held in French Lick, Indiana and includes a reenactment of the Founding in Meharry Hall at DePauw University.
Jun 1960
RELATED ITEMS768 attendees came to the French Lick-Sheraton Hotel by plane, train and automobile! The Carnation Banquet was moved to the first night to make way for the Diamond Jubilee Gala on the last night. The excursion to DePauw University saw 675 attendees board 14 buses for the 2-hour drive to collect gold-plated Diamond Jubilee charms. The constitution was rewritten due to organization growth to allow three fields of service: executive, collegiate and alumnae.
Jun 1960
RELATED ITEMSDelta Mu chapter is established at the University of Massachusetts.
Feb 18th, 1961
RELATED ITEMSDelta Omicron chapter is established at Portland State University.
May 13th, 1961
RELATED ITEMSWith a "Fanta-Sea" theme, convention was held at the Hotel Americana, the first convention to not have a transportation manager; all 659 attendees managed their own travel to Bal Harbour. A beautiful handmade box from Italy, white with a lyre-carnation design in red and gold, was given to every attendee. The first night included Province-District parties starting at 10:30 p.m.
Jun 1962
RELATED ITEMSA "Gold Miners" themed event saw the introduction of the first convention bag for attendees! Registration was $25 ($208 in 2020), with the hotel charging $22.15/day! 811 attendees packed into The Broadmoor for a very memorable event.
Jun 1964
RELATED ITEMSDelta Tau chapter is established at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Apr 3rd, 1965
RELATED ITEMSRosemanry Newman Hittle (Alpha Chi, Butler University) serves as National President from 1966-70. In speaking of her presidency and the years following, she said: "From 1965-76, it became two steps forward and one step backward. We lost about one chapter a year."
Kathryn Lenihan (Alpha Gamma, The University of New Mexico) assumes the administrative director position responsible for the central office and serves until 1973.
RELATED ITEMSDelta Omega chapter is established at the University of Kentucky.
Mar 26th, 1966
The "Golden Symphony" themed convention saw 526 attendees arrive at the Wentworth-by-the-Sea hotel to a monumental event. The first ever Carnation Boutique was introduced; chapters provided handmade items to sell, donating all money earned to the Convention Fund. This convention also introduced the new 50-year pin.
Jun 1966
RELATED ITEMSEpsilon Zeta chapter is established at Auburn University.
Feb 4th, 1967
RELATED ITEMSEpsilon Theta chapter is established at California State University, Sacramento.
May 20th, 1967
RELATED ITEMSSouth Vietnamese forces are unable to withstand the Tet Offensive launched by the North Vietnamese in January and February of 1968 and U.S. forces have to defeat the North Vietnamese. The episode shows that the end of U.S. involvement is nowhere in sight, and domestic skepticism of the war increases.
Civil Rights Movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated in Memphis.
Apr 4th, 1968
This convention was the start of the tradition of convention tote bags, a tradition that stands today! This first year's was woven from Mexican straw and featured the state of Texas wearing a 10-gallon hat, Native American headdress and sunbonnet with a star of '68. As 879 attendees arrived, a downtown Dallas building spelled out "AXO" in lights. The favor of the Banquet Night was branding irons with our Greek letters. Votes saw the removal of the mandatory alumnae recommendation for potential new members.
Jun 1968
RELATED ITEMSThe decision was made at convention that recommendations from an alumna member no longer would be required to be eligible for membership in Alpha Chi Omega.
Jul 1st, 1968
RELATED ITEMSEpsilon Kappa chapter is established at California State University, Fullerton.
Dec 7th, 1968
RELATED ITEMSA good ole Western convention was themed "Frontiers Revisited, Values Re-enforced, Vistas Rediscovered." 716 attendees stayed at the Portland Hilton Hotel for $24.85/night, also paying a registration fee of $25. "Play Day" consisted of a trip on the Columbia River, a Timberline trip or a Rose Garden trip.
Jun 1970
RELATED ITEMSEpsilon Xi chapter is established at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Mar 6th, 1971
RELATED ITEMSMore than 1,050 attendees experienced a change in convention format with business starting at 9 p.m. on the first day after dinner. Day two was focused on leadership training, and there were no excursions. For the "Hall of Golden Records" theme, hostesses and pages wore vests designed to indicate their roles instead of ribbons. Votes approved the adoption of cystic fibrosis as the official national service project.
Jun 1972
RELATED ITEMSPolice arrest men attempting to bug the Democratic National Committee headquarters, marking the beginning of the Watergate scandal.
Jun 17th, 1972
RELATED ITEMSJoAnn Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University) assumes the executive secretary position in charge of the central office, serving until 1978.
RELATED ITEMSEpsilon Upsilon chapter is established at Mississippi State University.
Apr 6th, 1974
Governor (and soon to be President) Jimmy Carter opened the "Reflect. Rekindle. Respond." convention at the Stouffer's Atlanta Inn. Registration was $25, and the excursion was to Six Flags, a shopping mall and Stone Mountain Park.
Jun 1974
RELATED ITEMSThe "Relate and Renew" convention welcomed 830 attendees to The Radisson Hotel. All collegiate delegates were asked to arrive with a school pennant.
Jun 1976
RELATED ITEMSThe Founders' Bell Tower is constructed by Alpha Chi Omega as part of DePauw University's new performing arts building and is dedicated to the memory of the seven founders.
Oct 1976
RELATED ITEMSThe formation of the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation is approved at the 1978 National Convention.
RELATED ITEMSNancy Nitchman Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University) becomes executive director and serves until 1999.
RELATED ITEMSThe Alpha Chi Omega Experience themed event saw many historic milestones, but none as significant as the approval to form a Foundation to work independently and to be managed by a Board of Trustees. The first professional photographer sold prints on-site for $3 each to all 790 attendees.
Jun 1978
RELATED ITEMSThe Medallion Roll is established to recognize donors reaching the $10,000 cumulative giving level.
The first meeting of the newly-formed Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Board of Trustees is held in January 1979 with Harriet Thwing Holden (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) presiding.
Jan 1979
RELATED ITEMSZeta Kappa chapter is established at New Mexico State University.
Nov 10th, 1979
RELATED ITEMSMartha Carolan Hannegan (Omicron, Baker University) serves as National President from 1980-83.
RELATED ITEMSGreeters from Gamma Omega Gamma (New Orleans, Louisiana) wore long gingham dresses and aprons reminiscent of the plantation era while welcoming attendeees to the "A Commitment to Excellence" themed convention. Featuring the first Hall of Memory and favors of trivets and brass paper weights, convention allowed attendees to celebrate with a Mardi Gras Ball. Linn Mason (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) created "The American Woman," a history of woman over 150 years as a dramatic stage show performed at the Panhellenic Luncheon.
Jun 1980
RELATED ITEMSSandra Day O'Connor becomes the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Cindy Thatcher (Zeta Nu, Texas A&M University) becomes the 1000,000th initiated member.
RELATED ITEMSZeta Omicron chapter is established at Vanderbilt University.
Apr 17th, 1982
Zeta Pi chapter is established at Arizona State University.
Sep 25th, 1982
RELATED ITEMSD'Alice Coburn Cochran (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) serves as National President from 1983-88.
RELATED ITEMSThe annual Alumnae Appreciation Award is created to recognize the outstanding loyalty and commitment of an alumna who serves at the local level. Florence Lindahl Cooling (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is the first recipient.
RELATED ITEMSZeta Rho chapter is established at Northwood University.
Jan 15th, 1983
RELATED ITEMSThe "American Pride" themed convention saw the reveal of the new three-star logo. 650 attendees were introduced to Rally Night, which replaced the Reunion Night and seated members by state.
Jun 1983
RELATED ITEMSZeta Phi chapter is established at Cornell University.
Feb 4th, 1984
RELATED ITEMSZeta Psi chapter is established at Loyola University New Orleans.
Nov 10th, 1984
RELATED ITEMSThe 100th anniversary Centennial Celebration is held in Indianapolis with more than 1,800 alumnae, collegians and guests in attendance. Highlights include a day at DePauw University, where an original musical in honor of Alpha Chi Omega's founding, "Lucinda Hero," is presented, as well as a reenactment of the Founding in Meharry Hall.
RELATED ITEMSZeta Omega chapter is established at Western Carolina University.
Apr 20th, 1985
Theta Iota chapter is established at Baylor University.
Apr 27th, 1985
RELATED ITEMSTheta Kappa chapter is established at the University of Memphis.
Apr 27th, 1985
For the 44th convention, more than 1,700 attendees witnessed the 100-year celebration of Alpha Chi Omega at the old Indianapolis Convention Center. Favors included a replica of the hand-painted plate from Hannah Kennan (Alpha, DePauw University) to her mother, Bessie Grooms Kennan (Alpha, DePauw University); an address book; a silver music box that played "Dream Song"; a guard and dangle for 100-year chapter celebrations; and a centennial charm. Chapter banners were presented for the first time and created a standing border around the hall. This convention was the first time that the first day of business had a dress code to wear white. Gifts to the Fraternity included a working wooden lyre donated by Gamma Nu Gamma (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) and a centennial quilt made by Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University).
Jun 1985
RELATED ITEMSTheta Nu chapter is established at Santa Clara University.
Feb 8th, 1986
RELATED ITEMSTheta Pi chapter is established at the University of California, Davis.
Jun 7th, 1986
RELATED ITEMSEllen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University) serves as National President from 1988-92.
RELATED ITEMSTheta Tau chapter is established at Rutgers University.
Feb 20th, 1988
RELATED ITEMSGamma Tau chapter, which had closed in 1978, is reopened at Oklahoma City University.
Apr 9th, 1988
Three years after the Centennial Celebration, the "Desert Symphony" convention took 1,000 attendees to the Marriott Desert Springs Resort. This convention offered a resource center for hands-on learning, open to all members.
Jun 1988
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Epsilon chapter, which had closed in 1969, is reopened at the University of Pennsylvania.
Mar 3rd, 1990
The Magical World of Alpha Chi Omega theme of course featured a post-convention trip to Walt Disney World. The favor was a crystal bowl etched with a design of seven stars representing our seven Founders. Votes included the removal of cystic fibrosis as the national philanthropy and the formation of an altruistic committee to find a new project, as well as the approval of the Foundation/Fraternity Task Force resoultion and updates to the male visitor guidelines for collegiate chapters.
Jun 1990
RELATED ITEMSA new national altruism is adopted with a two-pronged focus: support of victims of domestic violence and programs to education women to avoid becoming victims.
RELATED ITEMSNew member terminology is adopted in place of the traditional "pledge" terminology. Additionally, the traditional system of an extended pledge period is discontinued, and a shortened period between accepting a bid and initation is adopted.
RELATED ITEMSIota Nu chapter is established at the University of California San Diego.
May 9th, 1992
RELATED ITEMSIota Xi chapter is established at the University of California, Riverside.
May 16th, 1992
Themed "Together as Sisters," attendees were flown by TWA, the official carrier of the convention, offering special rates 40% off. The Adams Mark Hotel saw the beginning of the Sisterhood Program, a membership education program, and domestic violence awareness was made the new altruism.
Jun 1992
RELATED ITEMSA new headquarters is built at 5939 Castle Creek Parkway North Drive in Indianapolis. This building served as the organization's headquarters until 2022.
RELATED ITEMSPre-convention workshops and seminars were offered to all officers, kicking off the "Starring Today & Tomorrow" theme. The Fairmont Hotel boasted voicemail as a luxury new feature during attendees' stays. The Promote Alpha Chi Everyday (PACE) program was introduced, and the term "pledge" is changed to "potential new member."
Jun 1994
RELATED ITEMSJanice Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) serves as National President from 1996-2000.
RELATED ITEMSThe Alpha Chi Omega National Housing Coporation is established to promote, support and develop appropriate, desirable and safe facilities for collegiate chapters. Janice Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) serves as its first president.
A walk-a-thon, called "Stepping Out Against Violence," saw 800+ attendees begin a tradition of DVA support at convention. The "Our Vision, Our Values" theme was applied to the totes, decked with red straps and featuring a picture of the lyre. Together Everyone Accomplishes More (TEAM) regional seminars began at this convention.
Jun 1996
RELATED ITEMSExecutive Director Nancy Nitchman Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University) is elected the first female president of the Fraternity Executives Association.
RELATED ITEMSThe Omni Waterside Hotel welcomed 600+ attendees to the "Charting the Course" themed event. PACE (Promote Alpha Chi Everyday) bags were this year's favor. Votes allowed for alumnae chapters and clubs to be combined to just chapters of 10 or more, and work began for formulating a strategic plan.
Jun 1998
RELATED ITEMSJulie Cain Burkhard (Beta Sigma, University of Georgia) serves as National President from 2000-04.
RELATED ITEMSThe "Our Heritage, Our Future" theme was kicked off with Dr. Condoleezza Rice (Gamma Delta, University of Denver) giving the opening speech to 700+ attendees. The registration fee was $830 ($1,240 in 2020), which included meals and hotel room.
Jul 2000
RELATED ITEMSKristin's Story, a joint project sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Delta Delta Fraternity, designed to educate women about date rape and depression, has its inaugural presentation at Florida State University.
RELATED ITEMSTerrorists hijack airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. 2,996 people are killed and more than 6,000 are injured in the attacks, with others dying from complications in the coming years. It is the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history.
Sep 11th, 2001
700+ attendees came to the "Achieving the Heights" themed dinner, where leadership consultants modeled the Past National President gowns kept in Alpha Chi Omega's archives. This was the first convention to offer online registration, and a committee was formed to evaluate the second phase of the Initiation Ceremony review.
Jun 2002
RELATED ITEMSBelieving Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction, a U.S.-led coalition invades Iraq in 2003 and overthrows the government of Saddam Hussein. Although it turns out that Iraq did not have the weapons, the conflict continues for much of the next decade as insurgents oppose the new U.S.-backed government.
RELATED ITEMSDonna Smith Chereck (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) serves as National President from 2004-08.
RELATED ITEMSSuzette Bewley Mathis (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) assumes the executive director position, serving until 2007.
Celebrate the Magic began at The Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort with over 600 attendees. Voting gave the National Council the ability to amend the Articles of Incorporation at any time and removed the word "pageant" from the Ritual.
Jul 2004
RELATED ITEMSDr. Condoleezza Rice (Gamma Delta, University of Denver) is sworn in as the first female African American U.S. Secretary of State.
RELATED ITEMSIota Omega chapter is established at Carthage College.
Apr 23rd, 2005
RELATED ITEMSKappa Lambda chapter is established at the University of San Diego.
Nov 12th, 2005
RELATED ITEMSKappa Nu chapter is established at Carnegie Mellon University.
Apr 29th, 2006
Over 800 attendees celebrated the "My Kind of Sisterhood" themed convention at the Hilton Towers. Photos and business reports were posted to the Alpha Chi Omega website after convention for all members to view.
Jul 2006
RELATED ITEMSJulie Cain Burkhard (Beta Sigma, University of Georgia) assumes the chairmanship of the National Panhellenic Conference.
A global financial crisis begins with a crisis in the subprime mortgage market in the U.S. and becomes a full-blown international crisis with the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers. It is considered by many to be the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Marsha King Grady (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama) serves as National President from 2008-12.
RELATED ITEMSThe Life Loyal program is launched at the 2008 National Convention to provide enhanced services to members and recognize members who financially support the Fraternity. It transitioned to the Life Loyal Roll with the Foundation in 2019.
RELATED ITEMSFor the first time, registration was no longer available in paper form. "Reflect, Refresh, Reconnect" was the theme at the Fairmount Princess Resort. The new brand was revealed to 724 attendees. The Life Loyal program was created, and the convention favor was a poster of the new Declaration of Our Shared Commitment.
Jul 2008
RELATED ITEMSThe first issue of the newly-redesigned The Lyre is sent in spring 2010.
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Chis from all across the country gather in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the Fraternity's 125th anniversary.
RELATED ITEMSThe "Declare Your Commitment" themed convention, the 56th in Alpha Chi Omega history, was the first time attendees had to book their own hotel rooms. Facebook was utilized to help match roommates. Chapter banners were hung from the ceiling instead of being carried in for the national chapter meeting.
Jul 2010
RELATED ITEMSAlpha Chi Omega launches rotational programs including the Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) and InTune, ensuring that every collegiate chapter member receives a member development opportunity facilitated in person by an expert facilitator. The rotational programs that are later launched include REPRESENT in 2012 and Let's Talk Love in 2016.
The final shuttle flight lands at the Kennedy Space Center, signifying the end of the NASA shuttle space program. The program, which began in 1981 and included 135 missions, was completed when the Shuttle Atlantis flew its final mission to the International Space Station.
Jul 21st, 2011
Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) serves as National President from 2012-16.
RELATED ITEMSThe first licenses for cars without drivers is granted in the state of Nevada to Google.
May 7th, 2012
The "Meet Me at the Arch" convention announced the For Now/Forever campaign for the Foundation. Registration was $660 and did not include the hotel fee.
Jul 2012
RELATED ITEMSDelta Rho chapter, which had closed in 1977, is reopened at the University of Arkansas.
Nov 10th, 2012
RELATED ITEMSJW Marriott Desert Springs Resort hosted the "Symphony in the Desert" convention, where the 2015-20 Strategic Plan was revealed. The Distinguished Service Award was renamed to Torchbearer Award. The Final Night gift was a silver carnation pendant on a silver chain.
Jul 2014
RELATED ITEMSKappa Rho chapter is established at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Nov 15th, 2014
RELATED ITEMSKappa Sigma chapter is established at The University of Southern Mississippi.
Nov 15th, 2014
RELATED ITEMSThe first national alumnae service trip, including sisters from all over the country and all ages, goes to New Orleans.
Kappa Phi chapter is established at Loyola Marymount University.
Apr 18th, 2015
RELATED ITEMSKappa Chi chapter is established at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Nov 7th, 2015
RELATED ITEMSAngela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) serves as National President from 2016-20.
RELATED ITEMSThe "Sunshine and Sisterhood" convention welcomed 900+ attendees to the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes. Registration was $725 and included a phone app to receive all event updates, calendars and speaker details.
Jun 2016
RELATED ITEMSKathleen Lampinen Gaffin (Delta Zeta, Central Michigan University) assumes the position of chief executive officer, a position she continues to hold today.
Aug 2016
RELATED ITEMSLambda chapter, which had closed in 2011, is reopened at Syracuse University.
Nov 5th, 2016
RELATED ITEMSA new membership milestone recognition for 10-year members, along with a new 10-year membership recognition pin, is introduced.
RELATED ITEMS969 attendees arrived to the JW Marriott Austin, now covered in "Amplify Alpha Chi" themed decor. Favors were musically themed postcards, and members were given numbered buttons and encouraged to find their matches and introduce themselves.
Jun 2018
RELATED ITEMSLynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama) begins her term as National President in 2020.
The "Explore New Horizons" themed convention had 193 registrations before being canceled in April 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, and nearly all in-person events were canceled from March-July of that year as a result of stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines.
Jun 2020
Lamda Omicron chapter is established at Chapman University.
Apr 8th, 2022
Sisters were able to celebrate and enjoy the theme of “Together” at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue, Washington following the cancellation of the 2020 convention. Sisters enjoyed learning about the Common Bond. Uncommon Impact. campaign, educational sessions and opportunities for networking and connection.
Jul 8th, 2022 - Jul 10th, 2022