Alpha Chi Omega



Alpha chapter was founded at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana on October 15, 1885.

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Clark, Leonard and Two Alpha Chi Chapter Members Photograph, 1951

Founders Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University, seated left) and Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University, seated right) play piano while Patricia Lyons Pointer (standing left) and Beverly Brantner Price, both pledges of the Alpha Chi (Butler University) chapter, sing from a book of Alpha Chi Omega songs. The event was the Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) alumnae chapter's Founders' Day celebration. The photo was taken by George Tilford for the "Indianapolis News."

Collegiate Notes, Fall 2015

Photographs and brief descriptions highlight the achievements of collegiate chapters.

DePauw Class of 1969 50th Reunion. Video

Fall of 2019, 15 women from Alpha, DePauw University gathered to celebrate their 50th year of sisterhood.

DePauw Day Keychain, Golden Ticket, 1985 National Convention

DePauw Day was a special excursion during the Centennial Celebration, the 44th National Convention. With more than 1,700 attendees, members had to be led in groups so everyone could enjoy the experience. This keychain was supplied in the registration packet and indicated which group each member would travel with to DePauw that day.

DePauw University East College Photograph

DePauw University Soiree Musicale Program, 1886

Alpha Chi Omega was formally celebrated in a Soiree Musicale performance on February 6, 1886 in the DePauw University Music Hall. Dean James Hamilton Howe performed, with the assistance of Founder Amy DuBois (later Rieth), soprano. 

Directory of Alpha Chi Omega, November 1948

This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.

E. Rose Merideth to Sisters Letter, June 1, 1910

Eva Merideth Turley (Alpha, DePauw University), one of the first initiates of Alpha Chi Omega, provides her recollections of the founding.

Ellen Little Vanden Brink Dress,

Dress worn by National President Ellen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University) at National Convention