Alpha Chi chapter was founded at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana on February 28, 1925.
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Nancy Nitchman Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University) sits at a piano during a national convention. Nancy served as executive director from 1978-99. She continued to attend every convention, only missing one in 2010, until her death in 2012.
National Council members Ruth Tewinkel Suppes (Rho, University of Washington), Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) and Vera Arnold Willis (Mu, Simpson College) play around with a hand cart during the 1950 National Council meeting at the Seigniory Club in Montebello, Quebec, Canada. In the background are Martha Chamberlin Leslie (Theta, University of Michigan), Delight Stevens Dodds (Alpha Chi, Butler University), Katherine Schafer McDonald (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University) and Mary Frances Hess Peak (Beta Nu, University of Utah).
Alpha Chi Omega officers pose with the table display of gifts received by Delta Tau (Minnesota State University, Mankato) chapter in honor of their installation. They are (from left) District XV Alumnae Chairman Tess Ramsden Sabourin (Alpha Theta, Drake University), National Collegiate Vice President Sue Lindeman (Delta Tau, Minnesota State University, Mankato), National President Rosita Hopps Nordwall (Epsilon, University of Southern California), National Secretary-Treasurer Rosemary Newman Hittle (Alpha Chi, Butler University), National Panhellenic Delegate Jessie Fanyo Payne (Upsilon, Millikin University), National Extension Director Val Harper Burke (Xi, University of Nebraska - Lincoln) and Province XV President Dorothy Filley Schwartzkopf (Xi, University of Nebraska - Lincoln). This photograph was featured on page 4 of the summer 1965 issue of The Lyre.
This brochure provides statistics about domestic violence and lists some of the activities Alpha Chi collegians and alumnae have worked on to promote awareness and support domestic violence survivors.
Five National Presidents celebrated Executive Director Nancy Nitchman Leonard during her retirement event in 1999. From left: Karen Aunan Miley (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), D'Alice Coburn Cochran (Alpha Mu, Indiana University), Ellen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University), Nancy, Martha Carolan Hannegan (Omicron, Baker University), Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) and Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University)
This publication discusses the options for generating charitable gifts to the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation. It also includes a photograph of Ellen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University), Bonnie House Andrews (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) and Mary Gratton Davids (Chi, Oregon State University) being honored by the Circle of Twenty at the 1992 National Convention.
This article includes portraits and biographies of each of the women appointed province presidents for 1948-49.