Alpha Lambda chapter was founded at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 30, 1921.
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Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) served as National President from 1992-1996.
National Presidents Ellen Little VandenBrink (Alpha, DePauw University) and Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, the University of Minnesota) break ground for the headquarters building at 5939 Castle Creek Parkway N. Drive in Indianapolis in 1992.
A group of fraternity officers and staff pose together at the groundbreaking for the national headquarters at 8733 Founders Road. They are (front) Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), Controller Elinor Waite Howe (Alpha, DePauw University), National President Adele Fieve Drew (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), Archivist Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), (back row) National Treasurer Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma), Lyre Editor Dee Gibson, Program Services Coordinator Ki Manning Reinmiller (Psi, The University of Oklahoma) and Collegiate Finance Coordinator Margaret Boschmann. This photograph was featured on page 24 of the Fall 1973 issue of The Lyre.
Past winners of housing grants and members of the grant committee are listed here.
Past National Presidents Karen Aunan Miley (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), Ellen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University) and Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) pose together at the 2014 National Convention in Palm Desert, California.
Five National Presidents celebrated Executive Director Nancy Nitchman Leonard during her retirement event in 1999. From left: Karen Aunan Miley (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), D'Alice Coburn Cochran (Alpha Mu, Indiana University), Ellen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University), Nancy, Martha Carolan Hannegan (Omicron, Baker University), Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) and Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University)
This article includes portraits and biographies of each of the women appointed province presidents for 1948-49.
This report consists of a summary of affirmative votes at each Board of Trustees meeting and a list of fellowship and scholarship recipients.