Alpha Phi chapter was founded at The University of Texas at Austin in Austin, Texas on September 13, 1924.
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The collegiate leadership consultants for 1990-91 pose together. They are (left to right) Elizabeth Reding Gambrell (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin), Kathy Frick Moss (Alpha Kappa, University of Oregon), Maria Arnold Fischer (Theta Xi, California State University, Northridge), Jeanette Bowers Weaver (Omega, Washington State University), Becky Mustard Hinkle (Epsilon Chi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Laurie Cheney Summerlin (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University) and Heather Schooler (Alpha Eta, University of Mount Union).
Photographs and biographical information is provided for each of the 2015 alumnae award winners, including the Award of Achievement winners.
National President Jan Crandall (second from left) joined in the 75th anniversary celebration of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Texas at Austin in 1999.
Barbara Deady Horton (Gamma, Northwestern University) writes to Elizabeth Hays Kirby (Alpha Psi, UCLA), president of the Epsilon (University of Southern California) House Corporation, to provide advice about renting out chapter houses for the 1984 Olympics.
This Second Century Campaign update newsletter lists campaign donors and includes an article about Mu (Simpson College) chapter alumnae supporting the restoration of a piano at Simpson College.
This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.
Dress worn by incoming National President Donna Smith Chereck (Alpha Phi, University of Texas) at 2004 National Convention in Orlando, Florida
Donna Smith Chereck (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) was elected National President during the 2004 National Convention. She has had a long-standing career with the NPC, becoming alternate delegate in 1998 and delegate in 2011-18.