Only 36 Alpha Chis are pictured in the 1898 National Convention group photograph, while hundreds posed together in 2024.
From 1909-13, the Alpha (DePauw University) chapter house living room is dominated by a piano and features spindly chairs. Today, the Alpha chapter house features fresh colors and comfortable furnishings.
In 1935, these Gamma (Northwestern University) chapter members looked serious while having their picture taken; they are wearing dresses or skirts and many are wearing hats. Today, these Beta Phi (Bowling Green State University) chapter members celebrate their graduation.
The Delta Tau (Minnesota State University, Mankato) chapter house of 1965 is dwarfed by the Delta Omega (University of Kentucky) chapter house of 2018.
Three new Epsilon Zeta (Auburn University) chapter members pose with Past National President Rosita Hopps Nordwall (Epsilon, University of Southern California) holding their new charter in 1967. The Lambda Pi chapter at the University of Mississippi was installed on October 29, 2022.
In the 1970s, Alpha Chi Omega's national altruistic project focused on supporting children with cerebral palsy. Today, Alpha Chi Omega's national altruistic project focuses on domestic violence awareness and support for survivors.
Norma Dowdy Labuda (Delta Phi, Texas A&M University-Kingsville) poses with the Most Improved Scholarship Award in 1972 while Zeta Upsilon (Case Western Reserve University) receives the 2023 National Council Trophy.
In the 1970s, the Training Leadership Conference focused on training alumnae leaders. Today, Leadership Academy focuses on providing leadership training to collegiate members.
In 1984, only six women served all collegiate chapters as collegiate and field consultants. Today, the job of consulting collegiate chapters is carried out by this team fo women.
When Zeta Psi (Loyola University New Orleans) chapter was started in 1984, shoulder pads and big hair were fashionable. Attendees at the 2024 Leadership Academy show off their style for learning and meeting sisters.