The Berlin Wall comes down, providing a symbolic end to the Cold War.
The Americans with Disabilities Act goes into effect.
The Circle of Twenty is formed when Foundation President Diane Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) asks 20 women to join her in becoming charter members through a gift of $1,000 to support a chapter advisor training.
Alpha Epsilon chapter, which had closed in 1969, is reopened at the University of Pennsylvania.
The Magical World of Alpha Chi Omega theme of course featured a post-convention trip to Walt Disney World. The favor was a crystal bowl etched with a design of seven stars representing our seven Founders. Votes included the removal of cystic fibrosis as the national philanthropy and the formation of an altruistic committee to find a new project, as well as the approval of the Foundation/Fraternity Task Force resoultion and updates to the male visitor guidelines for collegiate chapters.
Iota Kappa chapter is established at Eastern Kentucky University.
The U.S. leads coalition forces in war against Iraq.
The Soviet Union collapses.
Iota Lambda chapter is established at Texas Christian University.
Iota Mu chapter is established at the University of Richmond.
Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) serves as National President from 1992-96.
A new national altruism is adopted with a two-pronged focus: support of victims of domestic violence and programs to education women to avoid becoming victims.
The World Wide Web is born. In just two years, 3 million people will be "on line." By 1998, that number will have increased to 100 million.
New member terminology is adopted in place of the traditional "pledge" terminology. Additionally, the traditional system of an extended pledge period is discontinued, and a shortened period between accepting a bid and initation is adopted.
Iota Nu chapter is established at the University of California San Diego.
Iota Xi chapter is established at the University of California, Riverside.
Themed "Together as Sisters," attendees were flown by TWA, the official carrier of the convention, offering special rates 40% off. The Adams Mark Hotel saw the beginning of the Sisterhood Program, a membership education program, and domestic violence awareness was made the new altruism.
A new headquarters is built at 5939 Castle Creek Parkway North Drive in Indianapolis. This building served as the organization's headquarters until 2022.
Iota Omicron chapter is established at the University of Lynchburg.