The age of flight is born as the Wright brothers stage the first successful flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Kappa chapter is established at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Delta (Allegheny College) chapter hosted 22 attendees. They adopted a public constitution and a secret Ritual. The office of inspector was created to approve pin orders, visit each chapter once in a two-year period and act as the NPC delegate.
Alpha Alpha (Chicago, Illinois) and Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) become the first two chartered alumnae chapters.
With 42 attendees and 70 members at the final night banquet, this was the largest convention to that point. Voting saw expanded membership requirements to allow liberal arts degrees, a uniform die for the Lyre badge authorized and members encouraged to purchase their badge from only approved jewelers.
Lambda chapter is established at Syracuse University.
Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) serves as Grand President from 1907-10 and as National President from 1912-19. She is the only Fraternity president to have served multiple non-consecutive terms.
Alpha Chi Omega begins supporting the MacDowell Colony; this is the Fraternity's first altruistic project.
Mu chapter is established at Simpson College.
Nu chapter is established at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Xi chapter is established at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
The Constitution was amended at the 1908 National Convention to require that each chapter have an alumnae advisor, making Alpha Chi Omega the first NPC group to take this step.
The coat of arms is adopted at the 1908 National Convention.
Omicron chapter is established at Baker University.
Ford begins producing the Model T.
Iota (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) chapter hosted 97 attendees, who saw our first alumnae advisor position established, first edition of the history book assigned, Founders' Day established, the secret motto adopted and the holly tree chosen as the official Fraternity tree.
Pi chapter is established at the University of California, Berkeley.
Evangeline Bridge Kimpton (Zeta, New England Conservatory) serves as Grand President from 1910-12.
The initiation ceremony used today, which has undergone only slight changes, was unanimously adopted at the 1910 National Convention.