By 1910, 10 of the 16 chapters lease a chapter house. But still, only Beta (Albion College) chapter owns its chapter lodge.
This was the first convention to be held in a hotel (Hotel Tuller) because the Delta chapter house was not open during the summer. 150 attendees made some very important decisions. A ritualistic service, official flag, Charters and membership certificates were approved. Motto was revised to the official "together let us seek the heights" and Hera was chosen as the patron goddess.
Rho chapter is established at the University of Washington.
Hera Day, focused on helpfulness to others, is established.
Alpha Chi Omega builds Star Studio at the MacDowell Colony.
Sigma chapter is established at the University of Iowa.
Tau chapter is established at Brenau University. It is the first chapter in the South.
Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) serves as National President from 1912-19. She had previously served as Grand President from 1907-10 and is the only president to have served multiple non-consecutive terms.
The province system of government is adopted and the country is divided into five provinces, each overseen by a province president.
The British ocean liner the RMS Titanic sinks.
Kappa (University of Wisconsin) chapter hosted 118 attendees at Lathrop Hall. The convention introduced the first history book, established six provinces and started the Grand Council Trophy award. The decision was made to delay the 1914 convention until 1915 to allow for higher attendance and build the Reserve Fund.
New members are required to meet a scholarship standard in order to be eligible for initiation.
Upsilon chapter is established at Millikin University.
Lois Smith Crann (Mu, Simpson College) serves as chair of the National Panhellenic Conference from 1914-15.
The Fraternity officially adopts, "The Symphony," written by Celia McClure Pardee (Delta, Allegheny College).
The Fraternity provided financial support for more than 100 French children who were orphaned during World War I.
The world launched into WW1, Alpha Chi Omega did their part to support the war efforts. The fraternity provided financial support for over 100 French children who were orphaned during the War.
Phi chapter is established at the University of Kansas.
By 1915, two chapters - Theta (University of Michigan) and Lambda (Syracuse University) - have purchased chapter houses or lots in order to build chapter houses.
All music requirements for membership are removed.