Anna Allen Smith (Alpha, DePauw University) lived her entire life in Greencastle, Indiana, and was childhood friends with Bessie Grooms Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University and Olive (Ollie) Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University). She was always interested in music and was the youngest student to do advanced work at DePauw's School of Music. She was just 15 years old when Alpha Chi Omega was founded. Anna was the Founder most associated with Alpha chapter and until her untimely death in 1932, she knew every initiated Alpha (all 700 of them).
At the 1919 National Convention, all living Founders received the Hera Head honor pin. Founder Anna Allen Smith wrote this letter of appreciation to National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College).
The program includes pieces from The Daily Banner written between May 23-26, 1932 regarding the death of Founder Anna Allen Smith (Alpha, DePauw University). The articles discuss plans for Smith's funeral as well as biographical information about the deceased.
DATE OF BIRTH: September 10, 1870 DATE OF DEATH: May 23, 1932 CEMETERY Forest Hill Cemetery 2181 S County Road 50 W. Greencastle, IN 46135 Anna Allen Smith (Alpha, DePauw University) shares a headstone with her husband, infant son and other relatives (with last name Allen). The Smiths are located in Book 1, p. 356, Lot 11, Block 7, Range 11.