This program includes a schedule of events for the weekend and the banquet, a list of the installing officers, the banquet menu, and lists of charter members and patronesses.
Merle Beattie AckermanHortense O. Miller AdamsDorothy Curtis BaldwinBeatrice Herron BrownRuthann Hill CottrellMiriam Decker DotsonDariel Pearce EklundWalter M. EverhartJane Gleason GreeneElaine Seigle GruberMary Perine HadselMartha Diener HicksRuth Lucille HillHelen Rosner HissamElizabeth Pumphrey JewellGinna Franks KapplerMarjorie McAfee LennoxGladys Walters LevinsonEdith Marie MarshallMarjorie Graumlich McQuearyRosita Hopps NordwallHarriet Spilman OnxleyChristine Rish PenceMarjorie Fawcett PhillipsMyron T. PotterAnne Shawen RandHarry H. RiceClarabel Alspaugh RifeBarbara Romig RoarkMary Troy RootWallace P. RoudebushMary Cunningham SchonbergerPaul A. SipleKatherine Meyers SmallHelen Shaffer StodgelPatricia Taylor StrakerAlfred H. UphamPascal K. WhelptonRuth Miller WinsorMarian Keiser Ziegler
AlphaAlpha BetaAlpha ChiAlpha DeltaAlpha EtaAlpha MuAlpha OmicronAlpha SigmaBetaBeta DeltaBeta TauEpsilonPhiTheta
Albion CollegeButler UniversityCollege of William & MaryDePauw UniversityIndiana UniversityMiami UniversityOhio Wesleyan UniversityPurdue UniversityThe Ohio State UniversityUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of KansasUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Mount UnionUniversity of Southern California
Oxford, Ohio
Beta Tau Chapter Installation
1940s20th Century
BanquetsChapter Installation BanquetsChapter InstallationsChapter Life