Dress worn by National President Adele Fieve Drew at the 1976 National Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota
The 1985 National Convention was the centennial celebration for Alpha Chi Omega. This booklet was given in the registration packet to every attendee and featured not just the convention program but also the hopes and dreams of the organization for another 100 years.
Lois Allen Burdick, (Alpha Gamma, The University of New Mexico) writes to Lois Tullis about plans for the reinstallation of Pi (University of California, Berkeley) chapter, about the fact that alumnae support is needed for the reinstallation to take place and about the Greek system at the University of California, Berkeley.
A group of fraternity officers and staff pose together at the groundbreaking for the national headquarters at 8733 Founders Road. They are (front) Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), Controller Elinor Waite Howe (Alpha, DePauw University), National President Adele Fieve Drew (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), Archivist Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), (back row) National Treasurer Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma), Lyre Editor Dee Gibson, Program Services Coordinator Ki Manning Reinmiller (Psi, The University of Oklahoma) and Collegiate Finance Coordinator Margaret Boschmann. This photograph was featured on page 24 of the Fall 1973 issue of The Lyre.
Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma), Patricia Mullins (Kappa, University of Wisconsin), Shirley Henry Nielsen (Alpha Psi, University of California, Los Angeles), Hillyer Freeland (Psi, The University of Oklahoma) and Adele Fieve Drew (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) pose with an unidentified man during the 1973 Training Leadership Conference in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the headquarters building at 8733 Founders Road took place on June 3, 1973. Shown here, with unidentified males, are: Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), National Treasurer Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma) and National President Adele Fieve Drew (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota).
Fraternity officers, staff and others pose together at the groundbreaking for the national headquarters at 8733 Founders Road in Indianapolis' College Park office park. They include: National Treasurer Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma), Collegiate Finance Coordinator Margaret Kayser Buschmann (Alpha Chi, Butler University), unknown, unknown, National President Adele Fieve Drew (Alpha Lambda, the University of Minnesota), unknown, Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), unknown.