Lambda Pi (University of Mississippi) Chapter President Alia Graham (center) accepts the chapter's charter from Chief Executive Officer Katie Lampinen Gaffin (Delta Zeta, Central Michigan University) and National President Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama) in October 2022.
Attendees of the 2018 National Convention gather for the official group photo.
Epsilon Chi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) accepts the National Council Trophy award at the 2016 National Convention in Orlando, Florida. The chapter representative poses with the 2016 National Council members. From left to right: Dr. Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University), Epsilon Chi representative, Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama).
Brief biographies are provided for four contributors to this issue of The Lyre.
2016-18 National Housing Corporation Board. Front row, from left: Molly Muething Ironmonger (Theta Lambda, Clemson University), Cassie Gerhardt (Alpha Pi, University of North Dakota), Alice Snedeker (Epsilon Phi, Georgia Institute of Technology). Back row, from left: Mari Jean Oswald Siehl (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University), Christina Greenwell Mullins (Zeta Upsilon, Case Western Reserve University), Danielle Durocher (Iota Pi, Houston Baptist University), Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama)
Members of the 2014-16 National Council, from left: Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) - national president, Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts), Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College)
Members of the 2012-14 National Council, from left: Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) - national president, Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Jennifer Diederich Healy (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University), Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama)
Dress worn by outgoing National President Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama) at 2024 National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana
This newsletter includes articles about the National Housing Corporation, TEAM Discovery weekends and alcohol programming.