Alpha Chi Omega


Mildred Estabrook Siegmann

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results

1949 National Council at Convention Photograph

Members of the National Council pose together at the 1949 National Convention in Pasadena, California. They are (front, left to right) Lyre Editor Ina Bonney (Phi, University of Kansas), National Treasurer Ruth Tewinkel Suppes (Rho, University of Washington), Western Counsellor Mary Frances Hess Peak (Beta Nu, University of Utah), (back, left to right) Central Counsellor Martha Chamberlin Leslie (Theta, University of Michigan), National Secretary Delight Stevens Dodds (Alpha Chi, Butler University), National President Mildred Estabrook Scott (Pi, University of California, Berkeley), National Vice President Vera Arnold Willis (Mu, Simpson College) and Eastern Counsellor Katherine Schafer McDonald (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University).

October 4 Mrs. Matthew H. Scott to Scobey Cunningham Telegram

National President Mildred Estabrook Scott (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) writes to Cunningham to express condolences on the death of his wife, Alpha Chi Omega Founder Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University).

c. 1949-53 Mildred Scott Portrait Photograph

Mildred Estabrook Scott (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) served as National President from September 1949 until September 1953.

June 1953 National Council at Convention Photograph

Members of the National Council pose together at the 1953 National Convention in Banff, Alberta, Canada. Seated (left to right) Secretary Rosita Nordwall (Epsilon, University of Southern California), National Vice President Madoline Vallely (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), National President Mildred Estabrook (Pi, University of California-Berkeley), NPC Delegate Gladys Power (Nu, University of Colorado) Treasurer Mary Hess Peak (Beta Nu, University of Utah). Standing (left to right) Western Counselor Burnette Jones (Omega, Washington State University), Central Counselor Isabel Lonn (Pi, University of California-Berkeley), Eastern Counselor Katherine McDonald (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University).