The 1984-85 Collegiate Field Consultants pose together outside during the 1984 Training Leadership Seminar at DePauw University. They are (front row) CFC Melissa Ford Taylor (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama), AFC Vicki Womack Chase (Delta Pi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville), CFC Kim Morrison Joyce (Beta Phi, Bowling Green State University), (back row) CFC Debbie Thomas (Beta Eta, Florida State University), CFC Nancy Reed Aichholz (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University) and AFC Tammie Clarke Northrop (Delta, Allegheny College). This photograph was featured on page 16 of the summer 1984 issue of The Lyre.
Members of the 2019-20 Pearl Stone Partner Board of Managers. From left: Lynn Janetzky Bower (Epsilon Kappa, California State University-Fullerton), Melissa Ford Taylor (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama), Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Mari-Jean Oswald Siehl (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University). Not pictured is Diane Davis Murphy (Epsilon Psi, University of California-Irvine).