Alpha Chi Omega


Isabel Thayer Lonn

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results

1957 National Convention The Convention Transcript

Alpha Chi Omega was the first women's organization to create a convention transcript, debuting for the first time at the 1915 Biennial Convention. Published and available every day during convention, it took a number of volunteers to serve as reporters, and a specific team was in charge of editing, layout and printing every night.

1955 National Convention Signature Book

This book holds the signatures of attendees to the 1955 National Convention in White Sulpher Springs, West Virginia. The first page is inscribed by the National Council and is organized by role.

June 1953 National Council at Convention Photograph

Members of the National Council pose together at the 1953 National Convention in Banff, Alberta, Canada. Seated (left to right) Secretary Rosita Nordwall (Epsilon, University of Southern California), National Vice President Madoline Vallely (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), National President Mildred Estabrook (Pi, University of California-Berkeley), NPC Delegate Gladys Power (Nu, University of Colorado) Treasurer Mary Hess Peak (Beta Nu, University of Utah). Standing (left to right) Western Counselor Burnette Jones (Omega, Washington State University), Central Counselor Isabel Lonn (Pi, University of California-Berkeley), Eastern Counselor Katherine McDonald (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University).

November 1948 Six New Province Presidents Appointed

This article includes portraits and biographies of each of the women appointed province presidents for 1948-49.