Alpha Chi Omega


Estelle Leonard

Showing 1 to 9 of 27 results

" composed by Founder Estelle Leonard Sheet music for "Rondo

"Rondo," composed by Founder Estelle Leonard, was originally written for the piano, then later arranged for three violins and piano.

Eyeglasses belonging to Founder Estelle Leonard

1910 Postcard written by Founder Amy DuBois Rieth

Founder Amy DuBois Rieth sent this postcard to Mabel Harriet Siller, author of the 1916 editon of The History of Alpha Chi Omega fron her home in Lincoln, Nebraska. It is dated May 16, 1910. 

1946 Alpha Chi (Butler University)

1942 Sunlight Sheet Music

This copy of sheet music for "Sunlight," a study written for piano students by Alpha Chi Omega Founder Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University), includes her signature on the front.

Video The Early Years

Hear from our Founders about the beginning of our sisterhood at DePauw University. This presentation was shared in celebration of Alpha Chi Omega's 125th anniversary.

Violin Composition Founder Estelle Leonard

July 24, 1946 founder Estelle Leonard's (Alpha, DePauw University) voice can be heard describing a (violin) piece she composed for a student. This video was created in celebration of MacDowell month 2016. Filmed in Meharry Hall, DePauw University where the musical piece would have been performed.

Video 2016 Past National Presidents History

Vicky Richards Harrison (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) talks through the history of our past national presidents.

April 19 Nellie Childe to Hannah Keenan Letter

Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) writes to Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) about the new Alpha Chi songbook she recently received and laments that she cannot attend the upcoming national convention because the arthritis in her knee makes travel difficult.