Attendees of the 2018 National Convention gather for the official group photo.
This report of the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation includes reports from the Foundation's chairman and treasurer; a summary of votes; financial statements; and lists of the Board of Trustees, committees, and fellowship and scholarship recipients.
2012-13 Foundation Board of Trustees. Seated, from left: Elyssa DiRaffaele (Alpha, DePauw University), Alexa Gates (Gamma Mu, Ball State University), Jill Veigel Javors (Beta Epsilon, Michigan State University), Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts) - president, Suzie McClendon Symcox (Psi, University of Oklahoma), Annie Hess (Epsilon Phi, Georgia Tech University), Christine Lee (Xi, University of Nebraska). Standing, from left: Marsha King Grady (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama), Donna Smith Chereck (Alphi Phi, University of Texas-Austin), Sonja Cook Greenbaum (Zeta Psi, University of Loyola-New Orleans), Marlene Whitehead Small (Epsilon Lambda, University of Texas-Arlington), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University), Jennifer Diederich Healy (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University), Aggie Smith Steiner (Beta Eta, Florida State). Not pictured: MerLynn Harris Pitcher (Beta Xi, Utah State University)