Then National President Diane Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) shares information for Domestic Violence Awareness and how chapters support the cause in 2013.
Attendees of the 2018 National Convention gather for the official group photo.
Epsilon Chi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) accepts the National Council Trophy award at the 2016 National Convention in Orlando, Florida. The chapter representative poses with the 2016 National Council members. From left to right: Dr. Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University), Epsilon Chi representative, Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama).
Brief biographies are provided for four contributors to this issue of The Lyre.
Members of the 2014-16 National Council, from left: Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) - national president, Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts), Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College)
Members of the 2012-14 National Council, from left: Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University) - national president, Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Jennifer Diederich Healy (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University), Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama)
Members of the 2010-12 National Council. Seated, from left: Jennifer Diederich Healy (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University), Marsha King Grady (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama) - national president, Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University). Standing, from left: Lee Bradford Lucas (Gamma Chi, Stetson University), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University
2012-13 Foundation Board of Trustees. Seated, from left: Elyssa DiRaffaele (Alpha, DePauw University), Alexa Gates (Gamma Mu, Ball State University), Jill Veigel Javors (Beta Epsilon, Michigan State University), Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts) - president, Suzie McClendon Symcox (Psi, University of Oklahoma), Annie Hess (Epsilon Phi, Georgia Tech University), Christine Lee (Xi, University of Nebraska). Standing, from left: Marsha King Grady (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama), Donna Smith Chereck (Alphi Phi, University of Texas-Austin), Sonja Cook Greenbaum (Zeta Psi, University of Loyola-New Orleans), Marlene Whitehead Small (Epsilon Lambda, University of Texas-Arlington), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University), Jennifer Diederich Healy (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University), Aggie Smith Steiner (Beta Eta, Florida State). Not pictured: MerLynn Harris Pitcher (Beta Xi, Utah State University)