Attendees of the 2018 National Convention gather for the official group photo.
Photographs and brief descriptions highlight the achievements of alumnae chapters and individual alumnae.
National President Jan Crandall (second from left) joined in the 75th anniversary celebration of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Texas at Austin in 1999.
From left: Alpha Phi (The University of Texas at Austin) chapter President Meghan Murphy (Weller), National President Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) and birthday co-chairs Marlene Whitehead Small (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) and Elizabeth Keele Miketinac (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) pose together with a cake during the Alpha Phi chapter 75th birthday celebration. This photograph was featured on page 29 of the winter 1999-2000 issue of The Lyre.