Alpha Chi Omega



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Showing 81 to 180 of 10,395 results

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Full Name, Chapter
Naomi Schilling Ross, Gamma
Shae Lee Ross, Psi
Susan Elizabeth Ross, Psi
Jane Wells Rosser, Gamma Epsilon
Lauren Alexandra Rosser, Psi
Morgan Kaye Rosser, Psi
Mary Rossiello, Gamma Upsilon
Cameron Danielle Rotbart, Beta Eta
Ellen Roth, Gamma Tau
Megan Ann Roth, Beta Eta
Phyllis Smith Rothrock, Alpha Beta
Susan McCown Rothrock, Psi
Carol Ann Rotundo, Beta Eta
Sydnie Kayne Rouleau, Beta Eta
Bernice Blacklock Rountree, Beta Eta
Margaret Cabeen Rourke, Psi
Anita Underwood Rousek, Psi
Sylvia Joan Rousseau, Beta Eta
Anna Elizabeth Roussos, Psi
Jackie Rebecca Rovine, Beta Eta
Debra Callaway Row, Psi
Elizabeth Sory Rowan, Beta Eta
Carol Anne Rowe, Beta Eta
Haylee Elizabeth Rowe, Psi
Anna Marie Rowell, Psi
Kathryn Johnson Rowell, Gamma Chi
Monica Marie Rowland, Psi
Mary Elizabeth Rownd, Beta
Lauren Alexis Cardott Rowsam, Psi
Genevieve Garvey Rowsey, Beta Eta
Richelle Ebba Roy, Beta Eta
Stephanie Renee Roy, Beta Eta
Danielle Flammio Royden, Beta Eta
Tracy Royeton, Zeta Rho
Zena Roz, Psi
Alyssa Marie Rucci, Psi
Ella Maclaine Rucker, Psi
Leota Fuqua Ruckle, Alpha
Lynn M. Fyock Ruckman, Beta Eta
Kristin Sumer Rudin, Beta Eta
Lisa Ring Rudisill, Psi
Lauren Newport Rudloff, Psi
Helen Goodman Rugen, Gamma
Betty Greene Ruis, Epsilon Pi
Florence Brown Rumbel, Alpha Eta
Angie D. Rummell, Beta Eta
Ruth Weber Rumsey, Beta Eta
Celia Still Runkel, Upsilon
Elizabeth Underwood Rupert, Psi
Megan Marie Rupp, Psi
Clara Upchurch Rush, Beta Eta
Kailie Rush, Beta Eta
Lisa Ann Rush, Zeta Sigma
Rena Rose Rush, Psi
Susan Fairbank Rush, Psi
Leah Ledbetter Russ, Psi
Allison Shawn Russell, Alpha
Dorothy Jewell Russell, Beta Eta
Dorothye Robison Russell, Psi
Eleanor Tulloch Russell, Psi
Joy Kamp Russell, Gamma Epsilon
Kaitlin Russell, Iota Tau
Kelly Garr Russell, Psi
Patricia Elliott Russell, Psi
Rubye Russell, Psi
Alexandra Joann Russo, Beta Eta
Anne Catherine Russo, Beta Eta
Arden Nicole Russo, Beta Eta
Dee Ann Davidson Rutens, Beta Eta
Diana Celeste Ruth, Psi
Jennifer Myers Ruth, Delta Chi
Errin Rachelle Rutherford, Psi
F. Shelley Howe Rutherford, Psi
Judy Sims Rutherford, Psi
Norma Jones Rutherford, Psi
Patricia Campbell Rutherford, Rho
Rustee Meghan Rutherford, Psi
Lori Lei Lawson Rutland, Beta Eta
Axis Victoria Rutledge, Beta Eta
Elizabeth Smith Rutledge, Beta Kappa
Nicole Roach Ruttenberg, Beta Eta
Marjorie Leonard Ruud, Beta Chi
Maurine Reedy Ruzek, Chi
Nancy Currey Ruzek, Psi
Marguerite Stella Rwil, Beta Eta
Janice Kennedy Ryan, Gamma Zeta
Joan Larson Ryan, Psi
Katie Jane Ryan, Psi
Linda Walls Ryan, Psi
Sarah E. Ryan, Psi
Taylor Pierce Ryan, Beta Eta
Rena McBride Rybicki, Beta Eta
Mary Ann Clara Rybnicky, Beta Eta
Elaine Shannon Ryle, Psi
Isabella Rosa Rymkiewicz, Psi
Elizabeth Boone Rzankowska, Zeta Rho
Julia Saak, Alpha Nu
Natalie Hiatt Saavedra, Psi
Lisa Valdez Saba, Beta Eta
Joanne Gallagher Sabatini, Zeta Tau