Alpha Chi Omega


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Bertha Deniston Cunningham to Beta Beta Chapter Letter, September 5, 1946

Bertha Deniston Cunningham to Beta Beta Chapter Letter, September 5, 1946

Founder Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University) sends her thoughts to Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) chapter and reminisces about old times.

Gladys Graff to Chapter Presidents Letter, May 15, 1924

Gladys Graff to Chapter Presidents Letter, May 15, 1924

National President Gladys Olmstead Graff (Zeta, New England Conservatory) sends chapter presidents information about the 1924 National Convention in Swampscott, Massachusetts.

Bessie G. Keenan to Miss Siller Letter, May 2, 1910

Bessie G. Keenan to Miss Siller Letter, May 2, 1910

Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) writes to Mabel Siller Nafis (Gamma, Northwestern University), author of the 1916 edition of The History of Alpha Chi Omega, about the founding of Alpha Chi Omega and details of her family.

E. Rose Merideth to Sisters Letter, June 1, 1910

E. Rose Merideth to Sisters Letter, June 1, 1910

Eva Merideth Turley (Alpha, DePauw University), one of the first initiates of Alpha Chi Omega, provides her recollections of the founding.

Harriet Bardwell to Alta Allen Loud Letter, c. June 22, 1908

Harriet Bardwell to Alta Allen Loud Letter, c. June 22, 1908

Harriet Edith Bardwell (Xi, University of Nebraska - Lincoln) updates Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) on the state of Xi chapter and discusses plans for attending the 1908 National Convention.

Rush Preparation Letter, Beta Delta, College of William and Mary

Rush Preparation Letter, Beta Delta, College of William and Mary

Letter sent to a Beta Delta (College of William and Mary) collegiate member with notes on how to prepare for rush

Letter from Founder Anna Allen Smith to National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College), 1919

Letter from Founder Anna Allen Smith to National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College), 1919

At the 1919 National Convention, all living Founders received the Hera Head honor pin. Founder Anna Allen Smith wrote this letter of appreciation to National President Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College). 

Nellie Childe to Hannah Keenan Letter, April 19, 1953

Nellie Childe to Hannah Keenan Letter, April 19, 1953

Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) writes to Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) about the new Alpha Chi songbook she recently received and laments that she cannot attend the upcoming national convention because the arthritis in her knee makes travel difficult.

Olive Clark to Ruth Suppes Letter, March 28

Olive Clark to Ruth Suppes Letter, March 28

Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) writes to Ruth Tewinkel Suppes (Rho, University of Washington) about a recent Indiana State Day event that Suppes was unable to attend. Clark also writes that she is happy to speak about the founding at an event Suppes previously invited her to attend.

1985 DePauw Day Tour Welcome Letter

1985 DePauw Day Tour Welcome Letter

History, heritage and purpose of Alpha Chi Omega was the central theme for the 1985 trip to the founding site, DePauw University. This letter walked attendees through the program of the day and instructions on how to keep with their group. One side features the instructions and welcome letter while the other is a map of the campus.

Carolyn Barrick to Gamma Epsilon Alumnae Letter, June 1, 1955

Carolyn Barrick to Gamma Epsilon Alumnae Letter, June 1, 1955

Carolyn Barrick Chestnut (Gamma Epsilon, Oklahoma State University) provides an update on chapter activities to chapter alumnae. She also includes alumnae updates such as birth and marriage announcements as well as a list of alumnae with new addresses.

Thelma Belair to Alpha Chis Letter, March 1, 1947

Thelma Belair to Alpha Chis Letter, March 1, 1947

Thelma Gardner Belair (Alpha Iota, University of Vermont) recounts the observations of Katrina Munn (Alpha Iota, University of Vermont) who visited the MacDowell Colony in the summer of 1946. Of particular interest is a list of artists who have occupied the Star Studio supported by Alpha Chi Omega.

Maude Steiner to Officers and Chapters of Alpha Chi Omega Letter, 1916

Maude Steiner to Officers and Chapters of Alpha Chi Omega Letter, 1916

Maude Staiger Steiner (Theta, University of Michigan) announces that the National Council has decided to grant a charter to the local sorority Alpha Theta Sigma at Washington State University.

Leslee Purdy to Lynette Hart Letter, October 17, 1991

Leslee Purdy to Lynette Hart Letter, October 17, 1991

Leslee Purdy Haylett (Alpha Rho, University of Idaho) writes about her visit to Omega (Washington State University) chapter for the chapter's 75th anniversary celebration.

Mrs. John D. Brown to Active Chapter Program Chairmen Letter, February 27, 1941

Mrs. John D. Brown to Active Chapter Program Chairmen Letter, February 27, 1941

Brown sends a report, also available, with information about how each chapter observes Hera Day and encourages program chairmen to discuss the various projects with their chapters.

Winifred Mount to Fay Kent Letter, June 15, 1911

Winifred Mount to Fay Kent Letter, June 15, 1911

Winifred Van Buskirk Newby (Zeta, New England Conservatory) sends Fay Barnaby Kent (Delta, Allegheny College) a description of her trip to Iowa City for the installation of Sigma (University of Iowa) chapter.

Sharon McKinstry to Alpha Chi Omegas Letter, August 1964

Sharon McKinstry to Alpha Chi Omegas Letter, August 1964

Sharon Olson McKinstry (Beta Epsilon, Michigan State University) calls on Alpha Chis to support the Magazine Agency and outlines how they can show their support.

Teresa Evans to Mrs. Doug Crandall Letter, January 23, 1985

Teresa Evans to Mrs. Doug Crandall Letter, January 23, 1985

Evans invites Alpha Chi Omega to establish a chapter at Clemson University.

Deb Bidwell to Cheryl Richardson Letter, November 18, 1988

Deb Bidwell to Cheryl Richardson Letter, November 18, 1988

Debra Bidwell Coveney (Alpha Psi, UCLA) reports that MIT is working on securing housing for sororities and that they are considering giving one of the houses to the Alpha Chi prospective chapter once it is installed, but they will need alumnae support in the form of a house corporation and chapter advisors for the university to consider them.

Ruth to Jan Crandall and Martha Hannegan Letter, August 21, 1984

Ruth to Jan Crandall and Martha Hannegan Letter, August 21, 1984

Ruth writes to inquire about efforts to establish a chapter at Baylor University.