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Lambda Pi (University of Mississippi) Chapter President Alia Graham (center) accepts the chapter's charter from Chief Executive Officer Katie Lampinen Gaffin (Delta Zeta, Central Michigan University) and National President Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama) in October 2022.
Members of the Gamma Mu chapter (Ball State University) in 1952. Some of the members are identified on the back of the photograph.
Phi (University of Kansas) member Norma McFadden is identified and described as "a very capable person" on the back of this photograph from 1919.
National President D'Alice Cochran presents the chapter charter to the Theta Pi (University of California, Davis) chapter president at the chapter's installation on June 7, 1986.
The Beta Delta (College of William &Mary) chapter's 1959 pledge formal. Members are identified on the back of the photo.
Three members of the Alpha Zeta Alpha alumnae chapter in Salt Lake City, Utah review items they have made as part of an altruistic project.