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Jane Burgess (left) and National President Martha Hannegan at a Frisbee Fling fundraiser for cystic fibrosis held by the Alpha Beta chapter at Purdue University, ca. 1980s
During the 2000 National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, sisters participated in a walk to promote awareness of domestic violence. Shown are Kathy Middleton Fink (front, left) and Stephanie Sibley (front, right).
Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University) served as executive secretary from 1973-78.
Newly initiated Zeta Psi (Loyola University New Orleans) chapter members pose together for a group photograph after their chapter installation.
Kathryn Lenihan (Alpha Gamma, The University of New Mexico) served as the administrative director for the central office from 1966-73.
Olive Banks Austin (Alpha Kappa, University of Oregon), Cosma Arnold Lee (Chi, Oregon State University) and Dorothy Justesen Diegelman (Beta Kappa, University of Wyoming), members of the Gamma Mu Gamma (Palo Alto, California) alumnae chapter, pack boxes for the Easter Seals as part of an altruistic project.
NPC Delegate Julie Cain Burkhard (Beta Sigma, University of Georgia, left) poses with Ohio Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (center) and her Chief of Staff Patrice Willoughby at a congressional visit event in Washington, D.C.
Sheila Volzke DeWeese (Gamma Delta, University of Denver) poses in a costume for the Ice Follies, a touring ice show that she was a part of from 1967-72. This photograph was featured on page 52 of the spring 1973 issue of The Lyre.
Juliana Bishop Hitpas (Delta Sigma, University of the Pacific) portrays Norina in an unknown play or musical.
Attendees at the 1953 National Convention in Banff, Alberta, Canada, pose together for an official group photograph.
Winifred Byrd sits at piano while visiting Kappa (University of Wisconsin) chapter in Madison, Wisconsin.