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This photograph from the 1948 edition of the history shows the charter members of the Alpha Mu (Indiana University) chapter. Dora Bentley (bottom row, second from right) had graduated in 1921 but was initiated as part of the charter group. She was one of the four original members of the Sigma Beta Upsilon local group that petitioned Alpha Chi Omega to become a chapter, and the charter members personally requested that she be initiated with them. Dora was a teacher and respected community leader, and her daughter, Janet Blades Blocker Fairhead, was initiated into the Alpha Mu chapter in 1951.
This Second Century Campaign update newsletter lists campaign donors and includes an article about Mu (Simpson College) chapter alumnae supporting the restoration of a piano at Simpson College.
Sarah Caldwell (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) and Lauren Werner (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) collect donations to support relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina while advertising for the chapter's benefit.
This program includes a list of key figures and house corporation board members, as well as a schedule of events.
This program contains lists of the new member class, the dance chaperones and the social committee.
This page lists Alpha Chis who have joined the Life Loyal program between April 1 and June 30, 2015.
Alpha Chi Omega members who have recently gotten married are listed, along with their husbands, by chapter.
Alpha Chi Omega members who have recently given birth are listed, often with their husband and new baby's names, by chapter.
Brief biographies are provided for four contributors to this issue of The Lyre.
Editor Laura O'Brien (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) provides an introduction to this issue of The Lyre and some of the content within.
Brigitta Haller (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) discusses her experience on a collegiate Global Service Initiative trip to Jamaica. A photograph of Haller on the trip is included.
National President D'Alice Coburn Cochran (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) at the 1985 Centennial Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana
D'Alice Coburn Cochran (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) served as National President from 1983-88.
Collegians from Alpha Mu (Indiana University) pose in the headquarters lobby at 5635 Castle Creek Parkway North Drive.