Alpha Chi Omega


Tag : Allegheny College

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The Convention Transcript of Alpha Chi Omega, Vol. 17, No. 1, June 26, 1960

The Convention Transcript of Alpha Chi Omega, Vol. 17, No. 1, June 26, 1960

This convention newsletter provides articles about various convention events, as well as general interest articles regarding the new Fraternity headquarters and the death of Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University). The newsletter includes a number of photographs associated with the articles.

Ruth O. Darragh to Mrs. Clark Letter, March 25, 1949

Ruth O. Darragh to Mrs. Clark Letter, March 25, 1949

Ruth Orndorff Darragh (Gamma, Northwestern University) suggests using Celia McClure's (Delta, Allegheny College) "My Symphony" during recruitment.

Alice Glaser and Irene Wood at Piano Photograph, c. 1970

Alice Glaser and Irene Wood at Piano Photograph, c. 1970

Chi Chi (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) chapter president Alice Stayduhar Glaser (Lambda, Syracuse University) poses with Chi Chi charter member Irene Wood (Delta, Allegheny College) who sits at a piano.

Minutes of the First Grand Council Meeting, August 25-28, 1903

Minutes of the First Grand Council Meeting, August 25-28, 1903

These minutes from the First Grand Council meeting, held in Albion, Michigan, in 1903, include reports from the grand treasurer, Grand President and editor of The Lyre. Of particular note are the precarious financial situation of The Lyre, plans for voting at the 1903 Inter-Sorority Conference, the establishment of alumnae chapters and the decision to revoke the charter of Eta (Bucknell University) chapter due to inactivity.

The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Report, Volume VIII, 1985-86

The Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Report, Volume VIII, 1985-86

This report consists of an officer's report from the Foundation president, a summary of affirmative votes at each Board of Trustees meeting, a list of fellowship and scholarship recipients, and financial reports.

Hera Day Activities by Chapter Report, February-March 1941

Hera Day Activities by Chapter Report, February-March 1941

This report lists each chapter and its altruistic activities for Hera Day. Many of the activities center around children or senior citizens.

11th National Convention Program, November 2-4, 1904

11th National Convention Program, November 2-4, 1904

Technically this was the 9th Convention, but at this point in our history Alpha Chi Omega had not yet established a naming convention for events, therefore the labels differ. This program includes a chapter roll, a list of the Grand Council, a full program of events, banquet menu, banquet toast list, musicale program and the lyrics to several Alpha Chi songs.

The Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega with Signature

The Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega with Signature

This particular version of the symphony was drawn by Helen V. Palmer (Lambda, Syracuse University). You can see the autograph of Celia McClure Pardee (Delta, Allegheny College) at the bottom of the print.

Third Convention Musicale Program, February 28-March 3, 1894

Third Convention Musicale Program, February 28-March 3, 1894

This program is for a musicale held at the home of Ella Young (Gamma, Northwestern University) during the 1894 National Convention in Evanston, Illinois.

Reinstallation Program of Eta Chapter, April 1-2, 1921

Reinstallation Program of Eta Chapter, April 1-2, 1921

This program provides a list of the chapter's original charter members and the charter members for the reinstallation, as well as lists of the installing officers and patronesses.

Alpha Epsilon Chapter Installation Program, May 9-10, 1919

Alpha Epsilon Chapter Installation Program, May 9-10, 1919

This program includes a list of charter members and installing officers, as well as brief historical information about the chapter.

Directory of Alpha Chi Omega, November 1948

Directory of Alpha Chi Omega, November 1948

This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.

Campaign Update, First Edition, 1986

Campaign Update, First Edition, 1986

This Second Century Campaign update newsletter lists campaign donors and includes an article about Mu (Simpson College) chapter alumnae supporting the restoration of a piano at Simpson College.

Winifred Mount to Fay Kent Letter, June 15, 1911

Winifred Mount to Fay Kent Letter, June 15, 1911

Winifred Van Buskirk Newby (Zeta, New England Conservatory) sends Fay Barnaby Kent (Delta, Allegheny College) a description of her trip to Iowa City for the installation of Sigma (University of Iowa) chapter.

50-Year Members at Convention Photograph, 1972

50-Year Members at Convention Photograph, 1972

Fifty-year members pose together at the 1972 National Convention. Each woman is individually identified on the back of the photograph.

Province Presidents at Training Leadership Conference Photograph, July 21-25, 1975

Province Presidents at Training Leadership Conference Photograph, July 21-25, 1975

1984-85 Collegiate Field Consultants and Area Collegiate Consultants Photograph, 1984

1984-85 Collegiate Field Consultants and Area Collegiate Consultants Photograph, 1984

The 1984-85 Collegiate Field Consultants pose together outside during the 1984 Training Leadership Seminar at DePauw University. They are (front row) CFC Melissa Ford Taylor (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama), AFC Vicki Womack Chase (Delta Pi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville), CFC Kim Morrison Joyce (Beta Phi, Bowling Green State University), (back row) CFC Debbie Thomas (Beta Eta, Florida State University), CFC Nancy Reed Aichholz (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University) and AFC Tammie Clarke Northrop (Delta, Allegheny College). This photograph was featured on page 16 of the summer 1984 issue of The Lyre.

Cope, Kent and Dodds at Star Studio Photograph, 1957

Cope, Kent and Dodds at Star Studio Photograph, 1957

Bernice Abbott Cope (Alpha Chi, Butler University), Fay Barnaby Kent (Delta, Allegheny College) and Delight Stevens Dodds (Alpha Chi, Butler University) pose in front of Star Studio, the studio supported by Alpha Chi Omega at the MacDowell Colony.

Grand Chapter Convention Minutes, 1904

Grand Chapter Convention Minutes, 1904

The 1904 convention was hosted by Delta (Allegheny College) chapter on November 2-4, 1904. These minutes, captured by Bertha Sackett Haines (Delta, Allegheny College), document the motions and discussions of the chapter delegates and Grand Council. Major decisions in this document show that a public constitution and a secret Ritual were adopted. Committees were also formed to revise the bond card, constitution and Ritual.

Diamond Jubilee Banquet Program, June 30, 1960

Diamond Jubilee Banquet Program, June 30, 1960

This program includes a menu, program of events and the words to The Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega.