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The members of Beta Phi (Bowling Green State University) chapter pose with their housemother, Mrs. Grover (front row, center). Each woman is individually identified on the back of the photograph.
A group of fraternity officers and staff pose together at the groundbreaking for the national headquarters at 8733 Founders Road. They are (front) Executive Secretary Jody Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University), Controller Elinor Waite Howe (Alpha, DePauw University), National President Adele Fieve Drew (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), Archivist Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), (back row) National Treasurer Mary Flood Hutton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma), Lyre Editor Dee Gibson, Program Services Coordinator Ki Manning Reinmiller (Psi, The University of Oklahoma) and Collegiate Finance Coordinator Margaret Boschmann. This photograph was featured on page 24 of the Fall 1973 issue of The Lyre.
A group of well-dressed attendees arriving at the Marriott Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, for the 1972 National Convention
Marguerite Graham (Omicron, Baker University) joined the American Red Cross in 1943 and served in Australia and New Guinea. Before leaving for service, she stopped by the Alpha Chi Omega national meeting in Chicago and shared, "I am in for the duration and expect to travel far and wide before I return."
National Inspector Gretchen Gooch Troster (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, left) and Eastern Province President Helen Wood Barnum (Alpha, DePauw University) pose together in front of the home of Grace Sanderson (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) in Alliance, Ohio, during the installation weekend of Alpha Eta (University of Mount Union) chapter.
Gamma Mu (Ball State University) chapter members ride on their first-place chariot-themed float during a homecoming parade.
Initiate of Alpha Iota (University of Vermont)
Norma Dowdy Labuda (Delta Phi, Texas A&I University) poses with the Most Improved Scholarship Award won by her chapter at the 1972 National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
Beta Delta (College of William & Mary) chapter members walk with their float, which features a knight in a football uniform suspended in a block of ice, during a homecoming parade.
Built in 1956 at a cost of $139,800 and with a capacity of 36, the Beta Eta (Florida State University) chapter house features a New Orleans traditional architectural style, white with turquoise shutters.
Lifetime and new members of Beta Theta (Lawrence University) chapter pose together for a formal group photograph. Each woman is individually identified on the back of the photograph.
National President Jessie Fanyo Payne (Upsilon, Millikin University) poses with Major Keenan of the United States Air Force Academy, speaker at the opening banquet of the 1964 National Convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This photograph was featured in the Fall 1964 issue of The Lyre.
Hazel Eckhart (Theta, University of Michigan) served as national secretary from 1925-29.
New members of Gamma Pi (University of Tampa) chapter pose together in formal dresses. They are (front) Barbara Baker, (second row, left to right) Phyllis Gladhill, Ermalou McDuffie Roller and (back) Anita Gonzalez Freeman.
Founder Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) poses by a chair as she tells the story of the founding of Alpha Chi Omega at the 1953 National Convention in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
An unidentified woman poses inside Star Studio, the studio supported by Alpha Chi Omega at the MacDowell Colony.
Founders (left to right) Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University), Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University), Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) and Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) pose with a birthday cake to celebrate Alpha Chi Omega's 50th birthday at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. during the 1935 National Convention. Behind them are National Editor Ted Maltbie Collins (Rho, University of Washington) and National President Ethel Meade Van Auken (Lambda, Syracuse University).