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Betsy Clark Swank (Alpha, DePauw University) is shown in the front row holding a photograph of Founder Olive Burnett Clark, who was Betsy's great grandmother.
Shown at the chapter's holidlay brunch and silent auction, from left: Past National President Judy Evans Anderson, past National Council officer Diane Ellis Erdman, Karla Wennestroom
Founder Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University) sends her thoughts to Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) chapter and reminisces about old times.
Olive Banks Austin (Alpha Kappa, University of Oregon), Cosma Arnold Lee (Chi, Oregon State University) and Dorothy Justesen Diegelman (Beta Kappa, University of Wyoming), members of the Gamma Mu Gamma (Palo Alto, California) alumnae chapter, pack boxes for the Easter Seals as part of an altruistic project.
A group of alumnae and their guests gather for the annual Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) chapter picnic at the home of Florence Thompson Taggart (Alpha, DePauw University).
Chi Chi (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) chapter president Alice Stayduhar Glaser (Lambda, Syracuse University) poses with Chi Chi charter member Irene Wood (Delta, Allegheny College) who sits at a piano.
These minutes from the First Grand Council meeting, held in Albion, Michigan, in 1903, include reports from the grand treasurer, Grand President and editor of The Lyre. Of particular note are the precarious financial situation of The Lyre, plans for voting at the 1903 Inter-Sorority Conference, the establishment of alumnae chapters and the decision to revoke the charter of Eta (Bucknell University) chapter due to inactivity.
This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.
Three members of the Alpha Zeta Alpha alumnae chapter in Salt Lake City, Utah review items they have made as part of an altruistic project.
This flier announces a new young alumnae group in Boston.
U.S. Navy Nurse Corps Captain Valerie Molina Morrison (Theta Sigma, University of North Florida) discusses her experience with Alpha Chi Omega both as a collegian and as an alumna member. This article includes a photograph of Morrison.
This article provides excerpts from National Council officer reports in order to provide an overview of the 1948 National Council meeting at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park, California.
Ellen Drake MacMillan (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) discusses the work being done by alumnae chapters to support the cerebral palsy division of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. The article includes a photograph of Beta Omicron Beta (Miami, Florida) chapter members working with children through the Florida Association for Crippled Children.
Photographs and brief descriptions highlight the achievements of alumnae chapters and individual alumnae.