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This newsletter from Zeta Chi (Muhlenberg College) chapter includes articles about a new chapter house, intramural sports, academics, chapter social events, altruistic projects and the chapter's new member program. It also includes a list of newly elected chapter officers.
This newsletter from Alpha Beta (Purdue University) chapter includes articles about chapter social events, recruitment, the chapter's new housemother and academic achievements. Three photographs are part of the newsletter as well: portraits of alumna Martha Bolt Graham (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), new housemother Helen Harrison Dailey and a group photograph of the new members of 1960.
This newsletter includes a list of donors that helped make the new Gamma Chi (Stetson University) chapter house possible.
Barbara Deady Horton (Gamma, Northwestern University) writes to Elizabeth Hays Kirby (Alpha Psi, UCLA), president of the Epsilon (University of Southern California) House Corporation, to provide advice about renting out chapter houses for the 1984 Olympics.
Southwest Missouri State University President Marshall Gordon writes to Zeta Sigma (Missouri State University) Chapter President Deborah Drissell Powell (Zeta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University) congratulating her on the chapter's new house.
The author writes that an offer has been made to purchase a house for the Santa Clara prospective chapter to lease and provides the next steps.
Harriet Edith Bardwell (Xi, University of Nebraska - Lincoln) updates Alta Allen Loud (Beta, Albion College) on the state of Xi chapter and discusses plans for attending the 1908 National Convention.
Zeta Pi (Arizona State University) chapter rented space in this apartment building in the early 1980s.
This view shows the exterior of the Epsilon Iota (University of Northern Iowa) chapter house located at 1203 W. 22nd Street in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The house could hold 16 members.