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This newsletter from Zeta Chi (Muhlenberg College) chapter includes articles about a new chapter house, intramural sports, academics, chapter social events, altruistic projects and the chapter's new member program. It also includes a list of newly elected chapter officers.
This newsletter includes a list of donors that helped make the new Gamma Chi (Stetson University) chapter house possible.
Southwest Missouri State University President Marshall Gordon writes to Zeta Sigma (Missouri State University) Chapter President Deborah Drissell Powell (Zeta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University) congratulating her on the chapter's new house.
The author writes that an offer has been made to purchase a house for the Santa Clara prospective chapter to lease and provides the next steps.
Zeta Pi (Arizona State University) chapter rented space in this apartment building in the early 1980s.
This view shows the exterior of the Epsilon Iota (University of Northern Iowa) chapter house located at 1203 W. 22nd Street in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The house could hold 16 members.
Built in 1956 at a cost of $139,800 and with a capacity of 36, the Beta Eta (Florida State University) chapter house features a New Orleans traditional architectural style, white with turquoise shutters.