Alpha Chi Omega


Tag : Alpha Chi Songs

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11th National Convention Program, November 2-4, 1904

11th National Convention Program, November 2-4, 1904

Technically this was the 9th Convention, but at this point in our history Alpha Chi Omega had not yet established a naming convention for events, therefore the labels differ. This program includes a chapter roll, a list of the Grand Council, a full program of events, banquet menu, banquet toast list, musicale program and the lyrics to several Alpha Chi songs.

Psi Chapter Pledge Handbook, c. 1960

Psi Chapter Pledge Handbook, c. 1960

This handbook includes a list of the names, addresses and birthdays of all active chapter members and new members, a list of chapter officers, social and chapter house rules, requirements related to scholarship, activities, social programs, financial obligations, a list of 10 tips for new members and the lyrics to a few Alpha Chi songs.

Alpha Chi Omega Indiana State Day Program, February 21, 1948

Alpha Chi Omega Indiana State Day Program, February 21, 1948

This program includes a menu, the schedule of events, the words to a number of Alpha Chi songs, and a list of patrons and patronesses.

The Alpha Chi Omega Waltz Sheet Music

The Alpha Chi Omega Waltz Sheet Music

Nellie Childe to Hannah Keenan Letter, April 19, 1953

Nellie Childe to Hannah Keenan Letter, April 19, 1953

Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) writes to Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) about the new Alpha Chi songbook she recently received and laments that she cannot attend the upcoming national convention because the arthritis in her knee makes travel difficult.

Clark, Leonard and Two Alpha Chi Chapter Members Photograph, 1951

Clark, Leonard and Two Alpha Chi Chapter Members Photograph, 1951

Founders Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University, seated left) and Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University, seated right) play piano while Patricia Lyons Pointer (standing left) and Beverly Brantner Price, both pledges of the Alpha Chi (Butler University) chapter, sing from a book of Alpha Chi Omega songs. The event was the Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) alumnae chapter's Founders' Day celebration. The photo was taken by George Tilford for the "Indianapolis News."