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This convention newsletter provides articles about various convention events, as well as general interest articles regarding the new Fraternity headquarters and the death of Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University). The newsletter includes a number of photographs associated with the articles.
Mistress of Ceremonies Blanche Denslow (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University, right) and her sister, Nina Denslow Blakley (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University), pose together at the celebration for Gamma Nu (San Diego State University) chapter's 25th anniversary.
From left: Alpha Phi (The University of Texas at Austin) chapter President Meghan Murphy (Weller), National President Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) and birthday co-chairs Marlene Whitehead Small (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) and Elizabeth Keele Miketinac (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) pose together with a cake during the Alpha Phi chapter 75th birthday celebration. This photograph was featured on page 29 of the winter 1999-2000 issue of The Lyre.
This custom made name tag featured the scarlet and olive colored ribbon, metal coat of arms dangle and attendee insert. This was a typical convention name tag until 1947, when the first appearance of different colored ribbons designating official roles came to be. All attendees of the 1935 Golden Jubilee National Convention would have received and worn proudly these official name tags.
This program is for Homecoming Day of the 1935 National Convention, which took place at DePauw University where the Fraternity was founded. It includes a poem by Founder Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University), the words to the Toast and a program of the day's events.
Mary Coleman Johnson (Alpha Xi, University of Montana) describes the 25th anniversary celebration for Alpha Xi (University of Montana) chapter held in May 1948.
This newsletter from Alpha Iota (University of Vermont) chapter includes articles about altruistic activities, chapter events and news from alumnae. The newsletter also includes several photographs of chapter members.
Three alumnae, (left to right) Betty Dawson Imlay (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University), former Province President Katherine Fredendall Franklin (Alpha Psi, UCLA) and Lori Herrera, pose together at the celebration for Gamma Nu (San Diego State University) chapter's 25th anniversary.
This program includes a menu, program of events and the words to The Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega.