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This page features seven photographs: three photos of Les Lehen Jr. and Alvena Smith Jones (Omicron, Baker University), two photos of Jones by herself, one photo of an unidentified woman, and another photo of Smith with an unidentified man and woman.
This scrapbook, created by Omicron Chapter member Alvena Smith during her years at Baker University from 1921-24, contains records of Alpha Chi events and events hosted by various men's fraternities. There are also seven pages of snapshots.
This scrapbook, created by Alvena Smith Jones (Omicron, Baker University) during her years at Baker University from 1921-24, contains records of Alpha Chi events and events hosted by various men's fraternities. There are also seven pages of snapshots. This scrapbooks features a brown leather cover with the Alpha Chi Omega coat of arms and the name "Alvena Smith" on the front. It is held together with gold string.
This page features Alvena Smith Jones' (Omicron, Baker University) student manual, schedule and student's activity ticket for 1921-22. Also included are a ticket for an art exhibition and a December 1921 calendar labeled "My Dates."
This page features a note and a program related to an "Oriental Party" hosted by Omicron (Baker University) chapter, as well as a name card from the new member party and other small items.