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The Alpha Pi chapter at the University of North Dakota celebrated its centennial in 2023. (Photo credit: Shawna Schill)
Members of the Delta Omicron chapter at Portland State University show off their 30th anniversary T-shirts in 1991.
Mistress of Ceremonies Blanche Denslow (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University, right) and her sister, Nina Denslow Blakley (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University), pose together at the celebration for Gamma Nu (San Diego State University) chapter's 25th anniversary.
From left: Alpha Phi (The University of Texas at Austin) chapter President Meghan Murphy (Weller), National President Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) and birthday co-chairs Marlene Whitehead Small (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) and Elizabeth Keele Miketinac (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) pose together with a cake during the Alpha Phi chapter 75th birthday celebration. This photograph was featured on page 29 of the winter 1999-2000 issue of The Lyre.
This program includes a menu, a timeline of events and a list of collegiate members.
The first new members of the Epsilon Eta chapter at Stephen F. Austin State University (1967) at the chapter's 30th anniversary event in May 1997
Pictured at the Theta (Univesity of Michigan) chapter's centennial celebration are, from left: Denise Liberty, chapter advisor; Jan Crandall, national president; and Lydia Jani, chapter president.
Leslee Purdy Haylett (Alpha Rho, University of Idaho) writes about her visit to Omega (Washington State University) chapter for the chapter's 75th anniversary celebration.
Three alumnae, (left to right) Betty Dawson Imlay (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University), former Province President Katherine Fredendall Franklin (Alpha Psi, UCLA) and Lori Herrera, pose together at the celebration for Gamma Nu (San Diego State University) chapter's 25th anniversary.