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Founders (left to right) Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University), Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) and Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) pose with Ruth Orndorff Darragh (Gamma, Northwestern University) at DePauw University on Homecoming Day of the 1935 National Convention.
From left: Alpha Phi (The University of Texas at Austin) chapter President Meghan Murphy (Weller), National President Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) and birthday co-chairs Marlene Whitehead Small (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) and Elizabeth Keele Miketinac (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin) pose together with a cake during the Alpha Phi chapter 75th birthday celebration. This photograph was featured on page 29 of the winter 1999-2000 issue of The Lyre.
Chi Chi (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) chapter president Alice Stayduhar Glaser (Lambda, Syracuse University) poses with Chi Chi charter member Irene Wood (Delta, Allegheny College) who sits at a piano.
Founders Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University, seated left) and Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University, seated right) play piano while Patricia Lyons Pointer (standing left) and Beverly Brantner Price, both pledges of the Alpha Chi (Butler University) chapter, sing from a book of Alpha Chi Omega songs. The event was the Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) alumnae chapter's Founders' Day celebration. The photo was taken by George Tilford for the "Indianapolis News."
Past National President Ruth Miller Winsor (Phi, University of Kansas) receives carnations from the president of Phi (University of Kansas) chapter for attending her 25th national convention.
Founder Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University) poses with Jean Sorenson Daiker (Alpha Rho, University of Idaho), who served as a page at the 1953 National Convention in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
A group of collegiate members gather around an alumna wearing a white dress after singing a chapter song.