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Winifred Byrd sits at piano while visiting Kappa (University of Wisconsin) chapter in Madison, Wisconsin.
Chi Chi (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) chapter president Alice Stayduhar Glaser (Lambda, Syracuse University) poses with Chi Chi charter member Irene Wood (Delta, Allegheny College) who sits at a piano.
A newspaper photograph features four Omega (Washington State University) chapter members seated at a piano.
This Second Century Campaign update newsletter lists campaign donors and includes an article about Mu (Simpson College) chapter alumnae supporting the restoration of a piano at Simpson College.
Founders Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University, seated left) and Estelle Leonard (Alpha, DePauw University, seated right) play piano while Patricia Lyons Pointer (standing left) and Beverly Brantner Price, both pledges of the Alpha Chi (Butler University) chapter, sing from a book of Alpha Chi Omega songs. The event was the Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) alumnae chapter's Founders' Day celebration. The photo was taken by George Tilford for the "Indianapolis News."
Elthea Snider Turner (Gamma, Northwestern University), 1966 Award of Achievement winner and composer of "Long Have I Cherished," poses at a piano with part of the convention choir following her concert at the 1966 National Convention in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Each woman is individually identified on page 23 of the fall 1966 issue of The Lyre, where this photograph is featured.
This view shows the interior of the living rooms in Alpha (DePauw University) chapter's leased house at 408 Elm Street.