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This page features six snapshots of Omicron (Baker University) chapter members posing outside of their chapter house.
This page includes the signatures, home addresses, birthdays and brief remarks from Alvena Smith Jones' (Omicron, Baker University) friends and sorority sisters.
This page includes the signatures, home addresses, birthdays and brief remarks from Alvena Smith Jones' (Omicron, Baker University) friends and sorority sisters.
This page includes the signatures, home addresses, birthdays and brief remarks from Alvena Smith Jones' (Omicron, Baker University) friends and sorority sisters.
This page includes the signatures, home addresses, birthdays and brief remarks from Alvena Smith Jones' (Omicron, Baker University) friends and sorority sisters.
U.S. Navy Nurse Corps Captain Valerie Molina Morrison (Theta Sigma, University of North Florida) discusses her experience with Alpha Chi Omega both as a collegian and as an alumna member. This article includes a photograph of Morrison.
Editor Laura O'Brien (Alpha Mu, Indiana University) provides an introduction to this issue of The Lyre and some of the content within.
Jessica Tomasula (Eta, Bucknell University) thanks her Alpha Chi sisters from Eta (Bucknell University) chapter for their support while she battles breast cancer. This letter also includes a photograph of Eta (Bucknell University) chapter bid day in 2001.