Alpha Chi Omega


Alpha Chi

Alpha Chi chapter was founded at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana on February 28, 1925.

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2015-16 Chapter Consultants: The Final Four

Photographs and brief biographies are provided for four of the 2015-16 chapter consultants.

Alpha Chi (Butler University), 1946, photograph

Alpha Chi chapter (Butler University) alumnae visit DePauw University, 1935, photograph

Alpha Chi chapter (Butler University), Bid Day, 1979, photograph

Lisa Kunkel (left) and Anne Kreutzer (right), Alpha Chi chapter (Butler University) on Bid Day, 1979

Alpha Chi Omega Collegiate Chapter Awards, Fall 2015

This article lists the winners of the 2015 collegiate chapter awards. A photograph of Epsilon Eta (Stephen F. Austin State University) chapter, which won the National Council Trophy, is included with the article.

Alpha Chi Omega Golden Jubilee Program, June 26, 1935

This program is for Homecoming Day of the 1935 National Convention, which took place at DePauw University where the Fraternity was founded. It includes a poem by Founder Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University), the words to the Toast and a program of the day's events.

Alpha Chi Omega leaders in the Pathway Garden at Alpha Chi Omega Headquarters, 5939 Castle Creek Parkway N. Drive, Indianapolis

Seated: Past National President Ellen Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University), Past National President Judy Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota); standing: former Executive Director Nancy Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University), former Foundation Chair Carol Hutcheson (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University)

Alpha Chi Omega Today, Spring 1997

This newsletter includes articles about the National Housing Corporation, TEAM Discovery weekends and alcohol programming.

Beta Tau Chapter Installation Program, December 13-14, 1941

This program includes a schedule of events for the weekend and the banquet, a list of the installing officers, the banquet menu, and lists of charter members and patronesses.