Alpha Chi Omega



Iota chapter was founded at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois on December 8, 1899.

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50-Year Members at Convention Photograph, 1972

Fifty-year members pose together at the 1972 National Convention. Each woman is individually identified on the back of the photograph.

11th National Convention Program, November 2-4, 1904

Technically this was the 9th Convention, but at this point in our history Alpha Chi Omega had not yet established a naming convention for events, therefore the labels differ. This program includes a chapter roll, a list of the Grand Council, a full program of events, banquet menu, banquet toast list, musicale program and the lyrics to several Alpha Chi songs.

Bertha Deniston Cunningham to Beta Beta Chapter Letter, September 5, 1946

Founder Bertha Deniston Cunningham (Alpha, DePauw University) sends her thoughts to Beta Beta (Indianapolis, Indiana) chapter and reminisces about old times.

Charter Members of the DuPage County Alumnae Club Signatures List, April 20, 1937

Delta Omega Chapter House Dedication Program, April 20, 1969

This program includes a list of key figures and house corporation board members, as well as a schedule of events.

Directory of Alpha Chi Omega, November 1948

This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.

Florence Lindahl Cooling Photograph

Initiated in 1916, Florence Lindahl Cooling (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) was the first recipient of the Alumnae Appreciation Award in 1983.

Gretchen Troster and Helen Barnum at Alpha Eta Chapter Installation Photograph, June 11, 1920

National Inspector Gretchen Gooch Troster (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, left) and Eastern Province President Helen Wood Barnum (Alpha, DePauw University) pose together in front of the home of Grace Sanderson (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) in Alliance, Ohio, during the installation weekend of Alpha Eta (University of Mount Union) chapter.

Hera Day Activities by Chapter Report, February-March 1941

This report lists each chapter and its altruistic activities for Hera Day. Many of the activities center around children or senior citizens.