Pi chapter was founded at University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley, California on May 7, 1909. The chapter closed on June 26, 1973 and was reopened on February 5, 1978.
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This Second Century Campaign update newsletter lists campaign donors and includes an article about Mu (Simpson College) chapter alumnae supporting the restoration of a piano at Simpson College.
Debra Bidwell Coveney (Alpha Psi, UCLA) reports that MIT is working on securing housing for sororities and that they are considering giving one of the houses to the Alpha Chi prospective chapter once it is installed, but they will need alumnae support in the form of a house corporation and chapter advisors for the university to consider them.
This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.
Gwendolyn Witherspoon Sibley (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) updates alumnae on Pi (University of California, Berkeley) chapter life with particular discussion of the chapter's housing situation and plans for building a new chapter house after their previous house was destroyed in a fire.
This report lists each chapter and its altruistic activities for Hera Day. Many of the activities center around children or senior citizens.
This list provides the names of Alpha Chi Omegas who have passed away since the last issue of The Lyre.
This page lists Alpha Chis who have joined the Life Loyal program between April 1 and June 30, 2015.
Linda Thomas (Pi, University of California, Berkeley) writes on behalf of the Gamma Tau Gamma (Newport Beach, California) chapter to nominate Florence Lindahl Cooling (Iota, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) for the Alumnae Appreciation Award and outlines her many contributions to Alpha Chi Omega over the years.
Lois Allen Burdick, (Alpha Gamma, The University of New Mexico) writes to Lois Tullis about plans for the reinstallation of Pi (University of California, Berkeley) chapter, about the fact that alumnae support is needed for the reinstallation to take place and about the Greek system at the University of California, Berkeley.