Alpha Chi Omega


Janice Manning Crandall

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1998 Theta (University of Michigan) centennial event photograph

Pictured at the Theta (Univesity of Michigan) chapter's centennial celebration are, from left: Denise Liberty, chapter advisor; Jan Crandall, national president; and Lydia Jani, chapter president. 

January 23 Teresa Evans to Mrs. Doug Crandall Letter

Evans invites Alpha Chi Omega to establish a chapter at Clemson University.

August 21 Ruth to Jan Crandall and Martha Hannegan Letter

Ruth writes to inquire about efforts to establish a chapter at Baylor University.

2008 Past National Presidents Photograph

Past National Presidents pose together at the 2008 National Convention. (Left to right) Past National President 2004-08 Donna Smith Chereck (Alpha Phi, The University of Texas at Austin), Past National President 1976-80 Karen Aunan Miley (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), Past National President 2000-04 Julie Cain Burkhard (Beta Sigma, University of Georgia), Past National President 1992-96 Judy Evans Anderson (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota), Past National President 1980-83 Martha Hannegan (Omicron, Baker University), Past National President 1988-92 Ellen Little Vanden Brink (Alpha, DePauw University), Past National President 1983-88 D'Alice Coburn Cochran (Alpha Mu, Indiana University), Past National President 1996-2000 Janice Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University).

1996-2000 Jan Crandall and Beta Xi Chapter Photograph

National President Jan Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) poses with members of Beta Xi (Utah State University) chapter at a reception given in her honor.

National President 1996-2000 Janice Manning Crandall

Janice Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) was elected as National President at the 1996 National Convention. Janice began her volunteer work on the National Council in 1983 while also serving as the NPC delegate on and off from 1984-97. She was remembered fondly by friends who said, "She always had a friendly smile and was eager to help her fellow sisters."

July 2000 Janice Crandall and Dr. Condoleezza Rice Photograph

National President Janice Crandall (Beta Epsilon, Michigan State University) introduces Dr. Condoleezza Rice (Gamma Delta, University of Denver) to speak at the 2000 National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

1996 Janice Manning Crandall Dress

Dress worn by incoming National President Janice Manning Crandall (Omicron, Baker University) at the 1996 National Convention in San Diego, California

1999 Alpha Phi chapter (University of Texas at Austin) 75th anniversary celebration

National President Jan Crandall (second from left) joined in the 75th anniversary celebration of the Alpha Phi chapter at the University of Texas at Austin in 1999.