Alpha Chi Omega


Hannah Keenan

Showing 1 to 9 of 18 results

Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan Plate hand-painted by Hannah Keenan for her mother

Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) hand-painted this plate for her mother, Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan, when Hannah was 12 years old. Hannah served as director of central office from 1937-66 and later as archivist.

director of central office Signature Stamp for Hannah Keenan

Signature rubber stamp for Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), director of central office from 1937-66

1920 Alpha chapter

Alpha chapter (DePauw University, 1920. Hannah Keenan, daughter of Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan, is pictured in the fourth row, far right. Hannah went on to become director of central office from 1937-66 as well as archivist. Hannah identifed the chapter members on the back of the photograph. 

Hannah Keenan invitation to Centennial Convention

Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University), former director of central office and daughter of Founder Bessie Grooms Keenan, issued the invitation to the 1985 Centennial Celebration Convention during the 1983 National Convention in Philadephia.

April 19 Nellie Childe to Hannah Keenan Letter

Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University) writes to Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) about the new Alpha Chi songbook she recently received and laments that she cannot attend the upcoming national convention because the arthritis in her knee makes travel difficult.

November 1 Group of Six at Alpha Chapter House Groundbreaking Photograph

A group of six pose together at the groundbreaking ceremony for a new Alpha (DePauw University) chapter house. They include Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University, left), Ardath Yates Burkhart (Alpha Beta, Purdue University, third from left), Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University, third from right) and Harriette Dresser Crabill (Alpha Beta, Purdue University, right).

1957 National Convention The Convention Transcript

Alpha Chi Omega was the first women's organization to create a convention transcript, debuting for the first time at the 1915 Biennial Convention. Published and available every day during convention, it took a number of volunteers to serve as reporters, and a specific team was in charge of editing, layout and printing every night.

Jody Martindill and Hannah Keenan Current and former headquarters leaders Nancy Leonard

Executive Director Nancy Nitchman Leonard (Alpha Chi, Butler University), and former central office and headquarters executives Jo Ann (Jody) Bayer Martindill (Alpha, DePauw University) and Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) - seated

Vol. 17 The Convention Transcript of Alpha Chi Omega

This convention newsletter provides articles about various convention events, as well as general interest articles regarding the new Fraternity headquarters and the death of Founder Nellie Gamble Childe (Alpha, DePauw University). The newsletter includes a number of photographs associated with the articles.