Attendees of the 2018 National Convention gather for the official group photo.
Large group selfie taken by the National Council from the stage at the 2018 Leadership Academy in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Epsilon Chi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) accepts the National Council Trophy award at the 2016 National Convention in Orlando, Florida. The chapter representative poses with the 2016 National Council members. From left to right: Dr. Mary Kacmarcik Baker (Delta Mu, University of Massachusetts), Jennifer Daurora (Delta, Allegheny College), Diane Wilson Blackwelder (Omicron, Baker University), Epsilon Chi representative, Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Mary McMurtry Winkler (Epsilon Zeta, Auburn University), Lynne Biggio Herndon (Alpha Upsilon, The University of Alabama).
Brief biographies are provided for four contributors to this issue of The Lyre.
Dress worn by incoming National President Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) at 2016 National Convention in Orlando, Florida
Mary Gratton Davids (Chi, Oregon State University), Former Foundation President Faythe Luther Vorderstrasse (Alpha Rho, University of Idaho and Chi, Oregon State University), National President Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) and Past National President Karen Aunan Miley (Alpha Lambda, University of Minnesota) at the 2018 National Convention in Austin, Texas
Members of the 2019-20 Pearl Stone Partner Board of Managers. From left: Lynn Janetzky Bower (Epsilon Kappa, California State University-Fullerton), Melissa Ford Taylor (Alpha Upsilon, University of Alabama), Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Mari-Jean Oswald Siehl (Alpha Omicron, Ohio State University). Not pictured is Diane Davis Murphy (Epsilon Psi, University of California-Irvine).
2019-20 Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Board of Trustees. Front row, from left: Lindsay Ferrell Vise (Omicron, Baker University), Mary Pat Lambke (Beta Epsilon, Michigan State University), Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University). Back row, from left: Kori Whitener Fellows (Alpha Phi, University of Texas), Mikelle Holt Brady (Alpha, DePauw), Judy Kuergeleis Schmuck (Delta Chi, William Woods University), Anne Teaford-Cantor (Alpha Psi, University of California-Los Angeles), Kim Wood Phillips (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), Jill Sabatino Lacy (Gamma Mu, Ball State University). Not pictured: Janis Hurter (Zeta Omicron, Vanderbilt University)