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Gladys Wilson Hayden (Alpha Gamma, The University of New Mexico) expresses thanks that her group at the University of New Mexico has been accepted to affiliate with Alpha Chi Omega.
National Council members Ruth Tewinkel Suppes (Rho, University of Washington), Hannah Keenan (Alpha, DePauw University) and Vera Arnold Willis (Mu, Simpson College) play around with a hand cart during the 1950 National Council meeting at the Seigniory Club in Montebello, Quebec, Canada. In the background are Martha Chamberlin Leslie (Theta, University of Michigan), Delight Stevens Dodds (Alpha Chi, Butler University), Katherine Schafer McDonald (Alpha Omicron, The Ohio State University) and Mary Frances Hess Peak (Beta Nu, University of Utah).
Hazel Eckhart (Theta, University of Michigan) served as national secretary from 1925-29.
Members of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity at the University of Michigan pose with cartons of clothing collected by Theta (University of Michigan) chapter members and the Delta Sigs as part of a joint philanthropy project to send clothing to Korean orphans. The project collected 10,000 pounds of clothing, which was first shipped to San Francisco and then to Korea. This photograph was featured on page 22 of the spring 1968 issue of The Lyre.
This report lists each chapter and its altruistic activities for Hera Day. Many of the activities center around children or senior citizens.
Technically this was the 9th Convention, but at this point in our history Alpha Chi Omega had not yet established a naming convention for events, therefore the labels differ. This program includes a chapter roll, a list of the Grand Council, a full program of events, banquet menu, banquet toast list, musicale program and the lyrics to several Alpha Chi songs.
This program includes a schedule of events for the weekend and the banquet, a list of the installing officers, the banquet menu, and lists of charter members and patronesses.
This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.
Pictured at the Theta (Univesity of Michigan) chapter's centennial celebration are, from left: Denise Liberty, chapter advisor; Jan Crandall, national president; and Lydia Jani, chapter president.
This Second Century Campaign update newsletter lists campaign donors and includes an article about Mu (Simpson College) chapter alumnae supporting the restoration of a piano at Simpson College.
Maude Staiger Steiner (Theta, University of Michigan) announces that the National Council has decided to grant a charter to the local sorority Alpha Theta Sigma at Washington State University.
Members of the National Council pose together at the 1955 National Convention in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. Three of the women are identified: Susan Newcomer Hollinshead (Beta, Albion College) (second from left), Florence Staiger Lonn (Theta, University of Michigan) (second from right) and Pat Mason Guertler (Beta, Albion College) (far right).
This page lists Alpha Chis who have joined the Life Loyal program between April 1 and June 30, 2015.
Alpha Chi Omega members who have recently gotten married are listed, along with their husbands, by chapter.
Alpha Chi Omega members who have recently given birth are listed, often with their husband and new baby's names, by chapter.