Alpha Chi Omega


Alpha Beta

Alpha Beta chapter was founded at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana on April 26, 1918.

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A Leader in the Fraternity/Sorority World, Fall 2015

This profile on Nicki Reas Meneley (Alpha Beta, Purdue University), CEO of the Fraternity Executives Association, begins with her time at Purdue University and in Alpha Beta chapter and follows Meneley through her time as a chapter consultant, a member of headquarters staff and executive director of the National Panhellenic Conference to her current position. The article includes several photographs of Meneley.

Alpha Beta (Purdue University) scrapbook page, ca. 1927

Scrapbook pages were created for all chapters, Alpha (DePauw University) through Alpha Rho (University of Idaho), in the mid-1920s. Creator and usage unknown.

Alpha Chi Omega Golden Jubilee Program, June 26, 1935

This program is for Homecoming Day of the 1935 National Convention, which took place at DePauw University where the Fraternity was founded. It includes a poem by Founder Olive Burnett Clark (Alpha, DePauw University), the words to the Toast and a program of the day's events.

Alumnae Notes, Fall 2015

Photographs and brief descriptions highlight the achievements of alumnae chapters and individual alumnae.

Angela Costley Harris Dress, 2016

Dress worn by incoming National President Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) at 2016 National Convention in Orlando, Florida

Angela Costley Harris, National President, 2016-20

Angela Costley Harris (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) was elected National President at the 2016 National Convention. Her four-year term will end in 2020. Her long volunteer resume began in 2003 as a chapter advisor, eventually serving as a national vice president in 2008. Her dedication and love of Alpha Chi Omega and its members shows in her constant involvement throughout the years!

Beta Tau Chapter Installation Program, December 13-14, 1941

This program includes a schedule of events for the weekend and the banquet, a list of the installing officers, the banquet menu, and lists of charter members and patronesses.

Cerebral Palsy Project, November 1948

Ellen Drake MacMillan (Alpha Beta, Purdue University) discusses the work being done by alumnae chapters to support the cerebral palsy division of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults. The article includes a photograph of Beta Omicron Beta (Miami, Florida) chapter members working with children through the Florida Association for Crippled Children.

Charter Members of the DuPage County Alumnae Club Signatures List, April 20, 1937