Alpha Chi Omega


Alpha Delta

Alpha Delta chapter was founded at University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 25, 1919. The chapter closed on August 10, 2001.

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1991-92 Collegiate Leadership Consultants Photograph, c. 1991

The Collegiate Leadership Consultants for 1991-92 pose together. They are (front row) Laurel Daniels Abbruzzese (Theta Psi, Columbia University), Erica Hylton Garman (Theta Rho, James Madison University), Teresa Hebert Patton (Epsilon Eta, Stephen F. Austin State University), Kathy Middleton Fink (Gamma Nu, San Diego State University), (back row) Mindy Roberts Barton (Psi, The University of Oklahoma), Stephanie Coleman Weeks (Alpha Psi, UCLA), Melissa Cassens Neal (Theta Rho, James Madison University), Janet Bailey-Hatfield (Alpha Delta, University of Cincinnati), Becky Mustard Hinkle (Epsilon Chi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) and Holly Redlin Flynn (Zeta Omicron, Vanderbilt University).

Alpha Delta Chapter Members at Costume Party During Convention Photograph, June 1935

A group of Alpha Delta (University of Cincinnati) chapter members pose together during a costume party at the 1935 50th Anniversary National Convention in West Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.

Alumnae Notes, Fall 2015

Photographs and brief descriptions highlight the achievements of alumnae chapters and individual alumnae.

Beta Tau Chapter Installation Program, December 13-14, 1941

This program includes a schedule of events for the weekend and the banquet, a list of the installing officers, the banquet menu, and lists of charter members and patronesses.

Delta Omega Chapter House Dedication Program, April 20, 1969

This program includes a list of key figures and house corporation board members, as well as a schedule of events.

Directory of Alpha Chi Omega, November 1948

This directory lists the names and addresses of Fraternity leaders, including members of the National Council, standing committees, province leaders, alumnae district leaders and alumnae state chairmen. It also lists each collegiate chapter along with its president and alumnae advisor and each alumnae chapter or club with its president and meeting information.

Hera Day Activities by Chapter Report, February-March 1941

This report lists each chapter and its altruistic activities for Hera Day. Many of the activities center around children or senior citizens.

Life Loyal, Fall 2015

This page lists Alpha Chis who have joined the Life Loyal program between April 1 and June 30, 2015.

Members of the Alpha Delta chapter at the University of Cincinnati visit headquarters, 1993, photograph